Interested to see Championship feelings on this? Wycombe shouldn’t be going anywhere near that. Terrible.

by Adammmmski


  1. Wycombe need a training ground, a training ground is for sale. They’ve made an acceptable offer.

    What’s the problem?

  2. StarryEyedLus on

    I think I’d definitely hate Wycombe now if I were a Reading fan. But I’d hate Dai Yongge even more for putting it up for sale in the first place.

  3. Cottonshopeburnfoot on

    It doesn’t fit this weird football mentality of “le classy gesture” but if I was a Wycombe fan I probably wouldn’t care all that much if it helps them grow their club.

    Definitely shit for Reading though and I would be hoping for Wycombe’s downfall if I were a Reading fan.

  4. Appropriate-Map-3652 on

    Can’t really blame Wycombe for taking a good deal, but fucking hell it must be miserable being a Reading fan right now.

  5. LeftHandDriveBoC on

    Agreed it’s shitty of Wycombe but what club realistically in their position wouldn’t do this, being able to get access to a fairly new training ground for a cut of the price? The owner of reading and the EFL are the ones who deserve the most hate here.

  6. Football is a dog eat dog business, so can’t really blame Wycome. If Reading’s owner is selling the training ground on the cheap, that’s on him. Shit for Reading fans and as a Cov fan I can sympathise, however we managed to find a new sensible owner without a stadium and with not great training facilities by Championship standards, so it is possible.

    Its going to be a rough few years for reading, but I’m sure they’ll be back eventually

  7. SaltireAtheist on

    God, this would have been Gurney’s wet dream if we hadn’t got him out.

    You have my sympathy as a fan who’s seen what shite and vampiric stewardship can look like, but it’s not the fault of other clubs buying these assets. Wycombe have no facility of their own like this and would probably not be able to afford building one of their own. It’s a bargain for them, and one that I can’t imagine them being able to justify turning down.

    This was always going to be sold, be it to a property developer for housing (looks a prime spot), or to another club. That he’s sold this to a club who you are competing with is shameful though. That he’s sold it for less than half the price it cost to build is… yeah, as I say, you have my sympathy.

  8. OkraEmergency361 on

    Wycombe are bastards for going along with this. I’ve got nothing but sympathy for Reading fans. Their club is being utterly trashed and no-one in the EFL seems to give a toss.

  9. I feel bad for Reading fans, we know full well what shit owners can do to a club.

    I can’t really blame Wycombe though. They’ve been offered a great deal and they have to put themselves first. Imagine the owner going to the fans and saying-

    “Reading offered us this training ground that would really help us and at a bargain price, but I refused because I didn’t want to make things worse for Reading”.

    The Wycombe fans would be out for blood.

    I hope Reading can get a decent owner in to sort it. It can be done, we are proof.

  10. TexanMillers on

    Absolutely insane to put any blame on Wycombe for this.

    They are making a decision to buy an asset that will massively benefit their club for a very long time.

    People are getting their knickers in a twist because it’s little old Wycombe buying from a bigger club like Reading.

    Football is a cut throat business. Bigger clubs wouldn’t think twice about raiding smaller clubs for players if they were in financial difficulty or by signing up their promising youngsters for their youth academy so why should Wycombe purchasing a training ground be any different.

    The gripe should be at the Reading Chairman and the EFL for letting the shit show get this far.

  11. Its one thing to sell the training ground and then rent it back to the club. It generates some cash in the short term but ensures the players still have access to all the facilities.

    In this instance its completely different as they have sold it to another club and now the Reading players will pretty much have to go and practice in one of the local parks.

    I also highly doubt the club will see any of the cash from the sale. They might get a bit to clear the March shortfall but thats all. Its going to end up in the owners pocket. It seems to be in full asset stripping mode at the moment and before long it will be a club in name only.

    I don’t blame Wycombe for this. If they hadn’t brought it then it would probably have been sold off for development. Either way Reading was going to lose the facility.

    A good friend of mine is a life long Reading fan and he is watching the club he has supported for more than 50 years disappear in front of his eyes.

  12. Ok-Refrigerator-9826 on

    Honestly the FA/EFL should be removing all Chinese owners from the clubs, they are ripping clubs apart and selling assets or stealing money from the club (in the case of WBA).

    It seems the only one doing alright is Wolves at the moment but I assume if they ever get relegated they will also be in a fine mess as the business would not be able to support itself.

  13. JamesTheBarnett on

    Pretty sure we bought our training ground from Wigan when they were struggling financially who bought the ground from Bolton when they were struggling financially.

    Playing devil’s advocate; if the Reading owners need to generate money in order to keep the club alive/avoid further EFL sanction and if they haven’t found a decent buyer yet, how are they meant to generate enough income?

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