Hey guys, thanks to everyone that entered the prediction league this year! I hope everyone that entered can agree it was a fun season, despite the couple months or so in which I fell behind with the table and unfortunately had to abandon the L1 and 2 prediction leagues in order to catch up with the Championship table… Sorry to everyone I let down, and if you continued playing throughout the months with no table then you're a real one, cause I can only imagine how frustrating it must have been to be playing a prediction league and not really have a good idea of how you're doing on the table.

With that being said, I thought it'd be a fun idea to have a little virtual awards ceremony! So without further ado, let's get into the awards!

Firstly, we have the silly ones… Starting with the 'most 3's' award, which is achieved by having the most three's in your row on the table… It goes to none other than u/gazbfc93 ! He managed a grand total of 8 three's. Congratulations. Here's what he had to say about winning the award:

'3, is the average number.'

Very wise words, thanks for sharing, and congratulations again on the award!

The next award is the 'Golden Poo' award which is achieved by finishing dead last in the table… Many may say it's dumb, but at the end of the day, only one person can finish dead last, and I think they deserve recognition! And the winner (loser) is… u/CalumReddit10 ! Congratulations. Here's what he had to say about winning the award:


Safe to say he wasn't too happy about winning this award 😬 Congratulations again nonetheless!

Now, onto the serious awards, the ones that take serious skill to achieve, starting with the 'highest average' award, which is achieved by scoring the highest average points per round played. The winner of this award… u/Masonccfc06 , with an average score of 10.79 points per round! Very impressive. If only he entered every round! Here's what he had to say about winning the award:

'Hi there, thank you for the award I appreciate it cheers I don't really know what to say to be honest so I'll pass on the speech if that's ok, I think I got quite lucky this year to be honest but hope to do the same next year😂 But thanks for the prediction league it was fun to do and hope you enjoy your break.'


No worries Mason, I sure will enjoy my break!

Next up, we have the 'performance of the season' award, for the highest scoring individual round of the season, and it goes to none other than… u/NotMissingNow ! Congratulations. Here's what he had to say about winning the award:

'Most of you would think this was a fluke…

And you would be absolutely right, thank
you all for being the best football community 🫡'

Nice and humble 🤣 Congrats again mate.

Now, onto the podium awards… Staring of course with third, u/ShavianX! Unfortunately he didn't get back to me with a speech, but congratulations regardless! Great consistency season round from you, and one of only four players to achieve 500+ points, great stuff mate.

In second place, helped largely by his 30 point bonus for scoring zero in the last round of the regular season, u/hellomynameispoejera ! Well done to you good sir. Here's what he had to say about his second place finish:

'I would have won if it wasn't for all of those times something unpredictable happened or teams that were winning 1-0 INSISTED on scoring another goal.'

Indeed 🤣 Congratulations again on the second place finish.

Finally, the main man, the winner of the first full season, finishing on a humungous 547 points… give it up for u/mott1993 ! Unbelievable predicting from him. Here's what he had to say about winning the award:

'I don't really do speeches! But as a Bristol City fan we're not used to being this high up a league table so it's nice to win. I'd also like to thank Adam Armstrong for the title-sealing goal, and sorry to disappoint you all, but I had to put the crumble in the fridge for another day (not that you lot haven't had enough this season).'

Of course the crumble had to be brought up by someone 🤣 Congratulations mate, enjoy your well earned break, and hope to see you back next year!

Right then, that concludes the ceremony, and brings the prediction league to a close for the season. See you all next season!

by -_—_-_—_-_—_-_


  1. BackStabberBrutus on

    The highest ranker to not get any virtual award!
    You will never sing that.
    Thank you for doing this and hopefully I can join in again next season.

  2. It’s not fair, the other teams were spending predictions well outside of their means and financial fair play will kick in when it’s too late for little ol’ Swan_Z

  3. Lowest score over 50 rounds… I was doing well until Leicester and Leeds refused to win and I refused to not back them. Bastards.

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