Takeover soon?

by UTBalex


  1. I will believe it when I see it confirmed by the Beeb

    Does look promising though I suppose? Hal, or anyone else, feel free to dm me if you’re not able to confirm publicly

  2. I’ve always maintained the position that until the club announces something, it’s not happening.

    The rumour mill cranking up about it is interesting to see, and suggests that there might be something going on, but we’ve had our fingers burnt enough times now that I’m not going to lose my head over social media chatter.

    That said, I truly hope that a takeover happens. Not because I hate the Prince – I actually think he’s done a pretty admirable job in difficult circumstances. Rather, we need new blood because the club is on course to simply stagnate, and fall back into the old habit of selling our top young prospects for less than they’re worth (see Calvert-Lewin, Che Adams, Ramsdale to Bournemouth, Maguire – I could list more).

    Being able to resist such approaches is going to be of huge importance very soon, with the likes of Arblaster, Marsh, Brooks etc. coming through and showing potential to perform far above any standard we are likely to reach in the near future. If we don’t get new investment, we can’t hold onto those talents.

  3. Bigtallanddopey on

    I’ve seen a few little snippets today, I would guess that means that there is a takeover, or more accurately, there is something happening.

    Whether that bid is accepted by the EFL, or who it is. I shall wait for an official announcement for that.

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