The sky blue army domination continues

by Cov_massif


  1. rumhambilliam69 on

    Coventry hate Putin.

    There’s a rivalry we can surely all get on board with.

  2. UnfazedPheasant on

    Coventry are taking their rivalries into the world of international warfare

  3. I could have sworn I saw other Coventry (non-English) flags at other games before aswell. Maybe I just need to lay off the drink a bit but I swear I remember seeing an Italian and a Serbian one, which tbh, Serbia and Coventry would be a perfect match. Coventry being rivals with everyone would make them Serbian honorary citizens after all.

  4. Coventry actually has a large Ukrainian population. My grandad came over after the war – fuck the nazis and doubly fuck the soviets – and was one of the men who built the 1st Ukrainian church in the city with his bare hands.

    Slava Ukraini.

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