TL;DR: Newcastle, Everton, Chelsea & Aston Villa are selling academy players for grossly inflated amounts to one another, so they can comply with FFP rules that take effect from June 30th. At least that's how it looks, though I imagine they would word it differently.

by Shadota


  1. PhobosTheBrave on

    In my opinion this is a highlight of how incompetent the PL is.

    If you make a set of rules, with loop holes, then rational agents will use those loopholes to their advantage.

    If you don’t want them to do this, then you need to write rules that preclude it. Failing to do so is not an indictment of the clubs who choose to make use of the loophole.

  2. I’m numb to this sort of stuff now. I’m not surprised it’s happening and Everton are doing it to avoid selling that Branthwaite lad at a lower price in order to comply.

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