[Gary Jacob] Tottenham offered Aston Villa £20million for Jacob Ramsey in a deal that would involve Giovani Lo Celso moving in the opposite direction. Villa rejected the bid as they value the 23-year-old midfielder at between £40million and £50million

by Zyaru


  1. pff my thread got deleted, how is a local Birmingham newspaper blacklisted lol

    Think a mod saw the express and got trigger happy

  2. Can someone tell me if this is the Eze alternative then? Also if Gio is worth roughly £10-15m then we’d have to stump up another 10m to meet their valuation.

  3. If GLC is valued at 15M as we have said, that’s a 35M bid. This could honestly happen at the 40-45M total value range.

  4. Paying a direct rival in Aston Villa to help with their PSR problems, and giving them a straight upgrade on Ramsey would be the worst piece of business imaginable haha.

    Only Spurs could pull this shit off, fucking hell

  5. idkwhatevs1234 on

    If it means no Caveman Conor then I’m all for it. Surely £30m + Lo Celso should put us firmly in the 40m-50m value range, so not far off

  6. Gio is a vastly superior player? I get that Ramsey is younger and not quite as injury prone but whats the point of this deal? It makes us worse next season and long term Id much rather bet on Bergvall/Donley/Devine or any of the other young guys that can play the 10

  7. How much would be a good top price for him? Baring in mind he only played about three games this season thanks to injury.

    And is it actually a realistic deal given that Villa appear to be going places under Emery?

  8. Not many people talking up Ramsey’s capabilities in here. That says it all for me

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