The official report says 18 cards given (2 red), and as you can imagine the ref was so bad that I would expect he retires if he’s not forced out. I think they might not be counting another 5-6 cards given to bench players and coaches.

In addition to the farcical card situation, he called off a Czech goal in which two separate Türkiye players had handballs, including one in the box.

Unfortunate for our Czech players to say the least.

My favorite line from the commentators:”Another yellow! He’ll need a new card after this match!”

by Chappietime


  1. I should point out that the disallowed goal would have likely been the winner and kept the Czech team in the tournament.

  2. LegendaryGarf on

    A shame for the Czechs. When I wasn’t watching the Portuguese get thoroughly embarrassed by an outstanding Georgia, I watched a couple of minutes and both Coufal and Soucek had great games for their country.

  3. PrettyNegative on

    It’s sucks Czech Republic didn’t get through but I actually think Soucek had a decent 3 games. I’ve always been a big fan of him but he looked so much better in this kind of system than he has for the last couple of seasons at West Ham. I’m hoping our next season system works just as well with him

  4. superchonkdonwonk on

    By called of a goal did you mean the one in which the which the ref called the whistle 3 seconds prior? Bit disingenuous to say the least. Czech Republic were unlucky in this game but it’s debatable whether their one goal should have standed in the first place, don’t let your biases cloud your judgement.

  5. Absolutely crazy game and it’s made me rethink any previous criticism I’ve ever made of other referees. He must’ve given out 3 or 4 cards after the final whistle, wouldn’t surprise me if he’s still wandering around Hamburg giving random yellow & red cards to people in the street.

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