In a word, đŸ€ź

We deserve to be relegated.

by Timmo1984


  1. Is that the real kit? 

    It looks like something a kid would photo shop together.

    How bland.

  2. Forever_Everton on

    It’s so bland that you could genuinely wear that outdoors and people wouldn’t think that is a football kit

    This is singlehandedly the worst thing you’ve ever done

    Even 07/08 or Wazza does not compare to this shit

  3. TheRealSteemo on

    Expected more from Puma considering it’s the first year of the deal…

    I don’t think this is the finished kit. I’m sure we recently announced some other shirt sponsors who are nowhere to be seen on here.

  4. TheRealSteemo on

    Expected more from Puma considering it’s the first year of the deal…

    I don’t think this is the finished kit. I’m sure we recently announced some other shirt sponsors who are nowhere to be seen on here.

  5. MarcusH26051 on

    Wow that’s low effort , are you sure they haven’t accidentally announced the training shirt instead???

  6. CentralSaltServices on

    I know plain white with black highlights is a tricky canvas to work with but…

  7. Considering how excited everyone was to go back to them like the good old days I’m a bit underwhelmed.

  8. _t_h_e_p_o_t_ on

    Never thought i’d see a puma running away from a ram but here we are.

  9. Is it only me who doesn’t mind this? I think it looks quite clean, simple but effective.

  10. Electronic_Alps9496 on

    What are those swirls on the arm and neck? They look very year 9 art project.

  11. AnotherDepressedBoy on

    It’s alright, we’ve had worse but we’ve had a lot better.

    Glad its black socks though I prefer us in them.

  12. Is it bad that I actually quite like this kit, uninspired sure but I think it looks quite clean.

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