Niakhaté to OL done

by chiefsief99


  1. Sad to see him go, really liked Niakhate and felt like we never saw a full run from him due to injury. I guess the question is who might this let us keep if it helps with FFP bollocks

  2. Take-Out-Gundi on

    Sad but understandable, felt like he had hand injury the whole of last season so his long throws stopped. Now we pray we keep Murillo

  3. deanomatronix on

    That’s sad but if it means we can keep others then great

    You feel he needs a replacement but perhaps an experienced loanee and see how Omadabidele develops

  4. I’ve got a feeling Mangala is going for a lot less than his initial fee. That way we get to record a bigger profit on Niakate and get out of psr trouble.

  5. Only happy with this because of our PSR troubles, would’ve loved to have kept him. Need to keep Murillo now or that’s another position we’ll have to strengthen.

  6. FeelingAverage on

    Saw someone say that’s PSR sorted. Saw another say this only gets us 4 million towards PSR. My probably wrong math says we get 14 million towards PSR going off the 26 million number. Ultimately all I’ve learned is that PSR is too confusing for the fans to be able to enjoy transfers.  

     Now my math, this time trying a different way of counting amoritization gives me a 22 million profit. Idfk man. And apparently there might have been an option in Niakhates contract? How does that work with amortization? Fucking shoot me in the head man. I just wanna watch footy. 

  7. GunstarGreen on

    Very good player but with his injury record and that fee we can’t say no. If it really is £26m then that’s a very good sale.

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