[Fabrizio Romano] Understand swap deal between Leicester City and Brighton for Dewsbury Hall is set to collapse. ↪️ Despite medical booked, the deal is currently off after Chelsea call yesterday evening. Dewsbury-Hall, waiting for Chelsea. #CFC want to include players in the deal.

by dragon8811


  1. Headlesshorsman02 on

    Leicester liked Casedai (Maresca didn’t play him however) so he could very well be included in this deal since there have been rumours that we could sell him this summer possibly

  2. God, Brighton are going to have a whole new hard on for us 😂 even more so considering most of the fanbase don’t even want him here.

  3. MartianCommanderX2 on

    I’m ready for some Chelsea fans to tell me how signing Dewsbury-Hall and selling Gallagher is good business

  4. It’s happening and I think it’ll be more expensive than people think. Over £40m.

  5. 69BigDickMan420 on

    Genuinely why? We have Enzo, Caicedo, Lavia all superior players. Gallagher is getting sold to fund these useless transfers

  6. It’s like us buying Jorginho for Sarri, just that this time we actually have players in his position and he’s coming from the Championship with 0 international caps

  7. Such a pointless signing. We are run like a fucking joke. And if we lose a player like Carney or Andrey due to this shit, then fuck these cloen running these club.

  8. Simple-Process7884 on

    I hate what this means for Santos and Chuk. Both big talents and could definitely do a job in that position. Very unnecessary buy.

  9. No no no we don’t need him. The squad is already big enough and I don’t see who he displaces in the starting lineup.

  10. happysrooner on

    Lewis Hall leaving created a hall shortfall that Dewsbury Hall will fulfill. That’s the only reason I can think of.

  11. Dangerous-Ad-2297 on

    If we are going after Dewsbury Hall because Maresca wants him (I remember seeing this being said) why did we not offer Pochettino the same treatment?

    Up until now we bought players because they aligned with the club’s vision, not the manager’s vision. We get a manager with less experience and now we buy players that the manager asks for?

    I don’t get it.

  12. costadoesntstomp on

    my prediction is what pep and artera do and add competition every season when you think you don’t need to have it.

    For example: think Havertz wasn’t needed in Arsenal, or why did kovacic join city

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