Disappointing as I like Huijsen and think he has a lot of potential. But I guess sacrifices had to be made somewhere, especially with Soule rumored to no longer be leaving the club.

by bigtymer123


  1. For €25m + im okay with it. We need to raise funds to improve the rest of the team, while I really like Huijsen he isnt ready to start yet, and we dont know if he will ever be good enough. Would rather spend some of the money we would get from him on Calofiori or someone who will improve us right now

  2. Part of Calafiori plan? Doesn’t sound bad at all, even if Huijsen is good, Cala is more ready and is at a higher level right now aswell

  3. Hopefully his replacement is the 2000s regen looking CB for Italy with the clingy GF

  4. Sale of Hujisen is definitely part of the plan to sign Calafiori, I don’t hate that at all

    He’s good but Calafiori is better for us, especially because of Motta

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