1. I know he’s tier 1 but I cannot for a second believe this to have the slightest of truth to it

  2. First Isak and Chelsea, and now this. Honestly, I’d rather take a points deduction than lose key players entirely

  3. Real-Fortune9041 on

    It’s said they even pre-booked a medical in Germany for Gordon and plenty of outlets are reporting this so I think there’s truth in it.

    Don’t forget Liverpool is Gordon’s boyhood club and he’s just had a baby. He might be keen to be around his family.

  4. Wouldn’t be surprised one bit. We know we probably are going to lose gordon, isak or bruno, its shit but we know its coming

  5. Fuck right off and fuck PSR off what’s the penalty anyway points deduction. Rather keep our players and play the long game.

  6. Just sounds like a smokescreen floating the worst case scenarios so we aren’t disappointed when the likes of Minteh, Anderson etc. go.

    Putting these links out there also muddies the waters to how much we need to raise for PSR, as well as removing the leverage of some clubs thinking they’re our only option to beat PSR.

  7. Highly fucking doubt.

    Take the 2 points deduction as he’d get us more points.
    Really sick of seeing shite like.
    Any club needing to sell top players pushes the fans towards a super league in order to keep them.

  8. If this is true, then what is the fucking point? Manure can have billions in debt, which psr is supposed to prevent – but, we with
    No debt and mega rich owners have to sell??? It’s rigged and makes me fucking sick.

  9. ExplodingLettuce on

    That’s a fucking disgrace. An utter and complete disgrace. A cunt of a thing. Hogwash of a situation. Bullshit of the highest magnitude.

  10. If we’re having to tout our best players around because someone has fucked up the PSR maths, then heads need to roll.

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