Argyle kit revealed

by sinisterpuppy88


  1. sinisterpuppy88 on

    Sponsor size could do with being a load smaller.

    Certainly far from last season’s kit

  2. OkraEmergency361 on

    Was that taken on the living room floor of the trainee who designed the builder’s logo? Very professional!

    Liking the lines/simplicity, but isn’t that the wrong shade of green? Did Plymouth become Hibs suddenly?

  3. The fact that this is a mid Argyle kit just reflects how beautiful their kits generally are.

  4. pilgrimgunner on

    It’s fine, not the best but nothing was ever going to come close to last season’s masterpiece

  5. I like the pattern and sheen a lot, but always hard to tell from these kind of shoots exactly what it will look like in reality.

  6. I’m disappointed in it because last years home kit was my favourite in the league. So was always going to be a down grade to me.
    If I were a football shirt collector I would have got that one for sure.

  7. It’s not bond timber but at least it’s not a gambling sponsor.

    I liked last season’s kit and I’m not sold on this one

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