[Steinberg & Taylor] Liverpool remain interested in Anthony Gordon with PSG circling too

by Starostar


  1. quantIntraining on

    He’s a boyhood Liverpool fan, no way he picks an easy move to Paris over moving to the club he’s supported since being a child.

    Only thing stopping this deal is the fee, which is easier to talk about being agreed upon than actually being agreed and done.

  2. would actually feel sad for the lad for how the blue shite would treat him if he joins us

  3. Unless Nunez, Gakpo, Diaz or Jota are leaving, shouldn’t we be focusing less on another left winger and more on CB or a CDM?

  4. Honestly its worth getting him in and storting out the numbers in the front line later, he’s that good.

  5. Why do his hands and chin look so cut up in the picture attached to the article? Not trying to be rude but genuinely curious

  6. eternalgrey_ on

    He put me off when he was asked if he could have dinner with anyone in the world, and he chose Donald fucking Trump. Weird.

  7. I understand we have needs elsewhere but the romantic in me wants this to go through, think he would be incredible for us

  8. justaguy1738 on

    This one feels like one of those opportunistic deals. If we could sign him for 40-50, offload some of the youngsters + kostas + if a crazy Diaz offer comes in, we get a young homegrown player who’s genuinely very good.

  9. seanylawson67 on

    Depending on the price I’d definitely take him, that being said I can only see it happening in the event
    Luis Diaz leaves.

  10. Wouldn’t say no to Gordon in the right circumstances, as much as I don’t like him the performances are good enough for us. If we’re moving on a forward and keeping Quansah I’d be happy for this.

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