[Romano] Gordon would take the opportunity to join Liverpool. “Crucial hours ahead”

by TheNotoriousJN


  1. patriotic-turtle1 on

    This is going to make Newcastle fans SEEEETHE lmao. Been seeing on twitter and Reddit before their mods deleted the post about how no way would he want to leave them.

    Inject theirs and Evertonion tears into my veins

  2. “Let’s start with Chelsea because they are always busy in the transfer market”. Ain’t that the truth.

    I’m sure it all makes a little more sense if you follow the club, but from an outside perspective
. What on fucking planet earth is going on over there?

  3. legentofreddit on

    Feels like I’m alone in thinking there’s only like 0.1% chance of this happening. He’d cost like 70-80m plus surely. Newcastle aren’t going to sell him for anything not substantially more than they paid. They’d take a points deduction rather than sell him for 50m I reckon. The fans would openly revolt.

    I think its more more likely they try some shady shit with Anderson like the blueshite did with Dobbin.

    Genuinely sick of this sub reddit just down voting comments they don’t want to hear without giving a rationale argument back.

  4. Would much rather have Isak. If he was leading the line getting chances Nunez has he’d have the golden boot locked up.

  5. It’s not worth giving Quansah though so as long as he isn’t apart of the deal, I’m happy.

  6. Azraelontheroof on

    Absolutely hate playing against him, wanted him on our side for a good while now

  7. He’s since said the price needs to come down or no deal. I think that’s where this one runs its course.

  8. Maybe times have changed but I feel like an ex-Everton player being signed would always be a no no. What’s different here?

  9. He is a bit like Suarez and Diego costa, you always hate them when in opposition but love when in your team, proper shithouser this lad , will support Robbo down the left both in attack and shithousery.

  10. TripPrestigious on

    I’ve a feeling we will either have a here we go tomorrow or we don’t go ahead with the deal if not tomorrow

  11. Just curious at how much??? Like 40mil for home grown player is super solid price imo. If its pushing 60mil onwards and we should avoid at all cost.

  12. SeaworthinessOne170 on

    I’m conflicted. I never liked him when he played for Everton and Newcastle…. how can I change …

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