Are we better than Italy?

by k_can95


  1. WronglyPronounced on

    If the Swiss win this then it won’t be long before our first Steve Clarke interview post euros, he’ll use this result to justify the way we played and lots of people will lap it up

  2. I’m hoping for england to get past slovakia and then put out by the swiss, so I can see the endless tidal wave of “drawing with Switzerland isn’t for everyone ” posts.

  3. anotherbrckinTH3Wall on

    Good to see Vargas back and playing so quickly after that horrific clash

  4. bongsandbacktrack on

    lol we’re no better than anyone under Clarkeball

    Could have won that game under a good manager I don’t care I’m still raging

  5. Gilius-thunderhead_ on

    That’s my two teams been absolutely woeful this tournament.

    Im Scottish and used to live in Italy…

    Im peak bitter and twisted and grumbling right now ha.

    I want Georgia to win it just for the carnage.

  6. YourCrosswordPuzzle on

    Yes. Beating Albania is not impressive and tonight’s performance was equivalent ot Scotland Germany I’d say.

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