🚨Newcastle Winger, Yankuba Minteh was set to join Everton in a deal involving Dominic Calvert-Lewin. However negotiations broke down after Newcastle and the Everton striker failed to agree terms with Newcastle (Source – @TheAthleticFC)

by bluedollarbillz


  1. Worry is he doesnt get the money he’s asking for here or there and he just waits out the year and gets it when there’s no transfer fee attached.

  2. Dom, it’s one thing to prolong contract negotiations. It’s one thing to want to leave the club. It’s even one thing to leave on a free.

    It’s a whole other thing to fuck us massively on a wildly talented incoming because you can’t recognize your footballing value.

  3. Cardinaltoffee on

    How can someone with his injury record think they’ll get 150k a week? I know he can ask for it but nobody is paying him that much.

  4. anotheroutlaw on

    Sadly, Dom has become a millstone around this club’s neck. He misses too many matches, scores too few goals, and wants too much money.

  5. FreefallMark on

    He’d be going from first choice with an expiring contract to sitting on Newcastle’s bench. As much as it would help to get another swap done it’s not surprising he’s demanding a lot to miss out on minutes and a big signing bonus next year.

  6. Cocoblanco12 on

    Bro can’t even hit a volley from 3 yards out and thinks he deserves 150k a week.

  7. Not surprised that DCL is a selfish asshole that only cares about himself and not the club. And to think how many of you suck his dick on a daily basis.

  8. juliocaeser_ on

    here’s to hoping he plays like a madmen in the final year of his contract to raise his worth, rather than playing scared to avoid injury

  9. To be fair to Dom, one of those terms was playing for Newcastle and who the fuck wants to do that!?

  10. AndradeDeRicharlison on

    Not a fan of the Dom hate tbh.

    Wants a pay day, wonder what any of you would have done, looking after his family. Probably the same fans who boo’d him.

    Don’t give a fuck if I get down voted into oblivion for this comment.

    Dom has stepped up on several occasions and if he does he leave I wish him nothing but the best

  11. Joe187888888888 on

    Well it’s time to find a suitable buyer for DCL cos his mind is already made up

  12. toffeeman1724 on

    I feel Dom is being called out unfairly here. He’s under no obligation to join Newcastle and has every right to do so on his own terms. Who’s to say that a deal couldn’t be reached regarding something like agreed playing time? He’s not going to be expected to start every game for Newcastle. Or maybe Newcastle are offering a contract which is only favourable if Dom stays fit? Which is wholly understandable.

    A footballer isn’t going to sabotage his own income because fans want him to.

  13. Giraffe_Baker on

    We let too many players leave for free but I’d be happy getting the last year of Dom and letting him walk after.

    We lose out on a big PSR bonus with the profit we’d make but keeping him would practically guarantee another year safe, allow us to develop Chermiti another year and we’d still be getting a big PSR boost with Branthwaite likely leaving that season too.

  14. Ok_Somewhere_6767 on

    We could still buy Minteh separately on Monday so it’s on next year’s account then. Possibly would need a big sale before 30th June 2025 if we did that.

  15. xWhiteMamba24 on

    Shocking to see a lot of you realizing that this is a business… of course he’s gonna try to get as much money as possible and care about himself first. This is his last chance to get a big contract.

  16. an_unexamined_life on

    I love Dom and want to continue rooting for him after he has left the club. That would be very hard for me if he ended up at Newcastle.

  17. realneattreats on

    These guys have such a limited window to make money, he should ask for what he thinks he’s worth. If he’s wrong, he’s wrong, but he doesn’t have to accept a contract he’s not happy with to help us on a transfer.

  18. I don’t mind Dom turning Newcastle down. They don’t rate him at all and if they won’t pay him what he wants fair enough.

    But I do hate that he’s clearly running down his contract so he can go on a free. I feel like he owes the club a bit more here.

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