West Ham United can confirm that Ben Johnson & Divin Mubama will leave the Club when their respective contracts expire.

by pwerhif


  1. We’ve managed Johnson really poorly. Deserves better, hope he’s properly valued and developed at Ipswich. Don’t blame him at all for leaving.

    Mubama, on the other hand, only has himself to blame for wasting this past 12 months at a crucial development age. We’ll see where he plays/how he plays/if he plays but I don’t expect great things.

  2. LanceConstableDigby on

    Not entirely convinced by Mubama, and at his age it’s really sink or swim time. Probably for the best that he tries his luck elsewhere.

    As for Johnson, he’s 24 now and never really looked likely to nail down a claim as number 1 right back. Great utility, great servant, he’ll surely be missed, but him moving on makes sense.

    Two more positions that need reinforcing then. Let’s see what Tim and JLo can cook

  3. Real-Lady-Marmalade on

    Johnson would have been useful for depth like I had said on a previous post about it, but he’s not up to premier league football.

    He’ll do well at Ipswich, especially after they go back down so all the best to him.

  4. I went to a West Ham legend talk last month and Carlton Cole was one of them. He works with the youth at WH and, without naming him, strongly implied that Mubama had been focusing on money over career due to agent involvement lately.

  5. I can see both sides here really. Neither are nailed for first team, we don’t have Europe this year so won’t have as many opportunities for Mubama especially. By now Johnson should be breaking into the first team but he went a bit flat recently under Moyes.
    That being said I feel like Johnson is decent enough squad depth, and Mubama needs more game time. Don’t know if he’d get it here next season

  6. Good luck to them. However, we have a pretty good record of who to keep and let go from the youth setup.

    I was more gutted when Diangana left, but at least we got some money for him and it looks like a good move all round considering he turned out to not be that good.

  7. Appropriate-Cap-4140 on

    If the manager doesn’t rate them then it’s fine. It’s always harder to see local lads leave but yeah, judging by past dealings like Grady Diangana, seems like it’s been the right decisions so far.

    Hopefully the current crop of Marshall, Scarles, Earthy, Orford, Casey, and Potts could step up.

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