£35m for Anderson WTF?!?

by PerformerNice6323


  1. reggyisthebest on

    35 mil is a bit ridiculous, considering we need attackers much more and I can’t see us spending another big sum on a striker. Was happy with 10 mil, but 35 is too much imo. Although maybe it’s a bit like Lyon and Newcastle are also going to overpay by 10 million or something for Vlach

  2. Well that’s double what I’d be happy for us to pay for him. Have to ask what his ceiling is and if we can get him to be that player, seems very optimistic. Considering our business with Lyon settles us for this year, I’m guessing Newcastle might end up doing us a favour to put on our books so we don’t go over for the next financial year like rumoured with Vlach and hopefully someone else too at this price.

    Also we need to figure out what the fuck we’re doing with our midfield. Need to find our best midfield 2 instead of experimenting during the season like we did last season. Sangare and Anderson for 70m between them doesn’t seem all that strong for being so expensive.

  3. Hmmm that’s prob 35m if we win the World Cup and the Super Bowl. In Newcastle’s interests to big up the cost. Meanwhile a large wage bill for Vlach that no one else would pay quietly slides onto their books

  4. £35m is way too much. But they’ve agreed to do a separate deal for Vlachodimos at the same time, so it’s looking a lot like a mutually-beneficial PSR deal. Expect that fee to be suitably ridiculous too.

  5. TheEarlOfZinger on

    At a complete loss now with all this, with that fee and Vlach in the mix it’s a PSR fiddle – that’s all that needs to be said.

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