[Official] Douglas Luiz departs

by El-Zaiba


  1. We knew this was coming but it’s still a shame. Glad we’re not selling him to another club in the prem at least

  2. Lmao I just realized that they’re going to probably wait a day to announce the other deals, giving us even more PSR wiggle room. This is the major leagues of accounting folks.

  3. Shame to see him go, but love this move for him. He’ll absolutely cook out in Juve, and it’s weirdly nice to see us sell to a European giant. It’s nice to see a player leave here for a top level club that isn’t Man City. Hope he goes on to have an amazing time in Serie A. Now that it doesn’t look like Juve are signing Greenwood I’m really looking forward to keeping up with them to see how he does.

    Great servant for the club, produced some absolutely magical moments under all three permanent managers he played for here. If we see him here again somewhere down the road I wouldn’t complain at all. Excited to see how the team fills the void he’ll be leaving, and super hyped for what Barrenechea and Iling Junior are gonna bring.

    Now onto drawing them in the UCL 🤩

  4. bambinoquinn on

    Shame. A real shame

    I think the fact we knew this was coming for ages, and the fact he wouldn’t sign a new contract makes it a little easier for me to rationalise

    The amount is really poor in isolation, especially with elliot Anderson moving to forest for 35m. But in context of ffp, and the other two players coming, it makes more sense

  5. gonna miss Dougie. I still think the fee is low, even with the two incomings. can only guess we had to sell someone big and didn’t want to strengthen a pl rival? fucking crazy that psr and transfer window deadlines are not aligned.

  6. loveonthedole on

    That’s how to conduct yourself as a footballer. Join young and hungry, give your all, keep playing even through ups and downs in form and make sure to leave the club in a better place than you found it. From a Man City cast off with a ridiculous haircut to a regular Brazilian international with Juve, all without pissing anybody off.

  7. LiorahLights on

    I knew it was coming and it’s still a punch in the gut. Best of luck Dougie, you’ll be missed.

  8. I don’t want him gone but this is almost best case scenario. We unfortunately need to sell a player and he wants to go. Works out for both parties.

  9. unique_username121 on

    Joined the club when we got promoted. Huge contribution to where we are today. Leaves the club in a much better place than when he joined.

    Thanks Dougie and all the best.

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