FULL REACTION to England-Slovakia Euro 2024 🚨 ‘LUCKY ENGLAND HAVE BEEN GARBAGE!’ – Burley! | ESPN FC

they were so lucky Craig well that guy Bellingham saved South gets bacon there’s no doubt about it the knives are probably still out but they were sharpened somewhat as every journalist had to rewrite their piece because it was a they were they were going to get slammed you don’t say this very often about a team in a quarterfinal but and that this was a magnificent piece of scale and we we covering La Liga every week have seen this from Jude Bellingham even in games like this Euros where he’s been quiet and England have been poor and even at times when Real Madrid have been poor he has done the most amazing things that that and it’s why he’s one of the the Stars the young stars of of the modern game but England although they’re in a quarterfinal have been embarrassing embarrassingly poor performances in every game uh poor tactics poor team selection poor substitutions and I include the ones that you got away with today I mean no changes at half time what really Co pmer comes on I get that 66 minutes e 84 Ivan Tony 93 and a half y Hool and and by the way he’ll say well that that that was that was okay it work for me but come on so you know England again this is not an this is not a Scottish angle this is an honest angle I repeat myself if it wasn’t for this easy pathway thus far and I give Slovakia a lot of credit you know but the 40 odd places behind in the FIFA rankings they’re very limited i’ give them so much credit but if it wasn’t for this pathway England would be out because th far in this competition they have been garbage well they haven’t been garbage at making other teams look much better than them we saw Slovenia Slovakia Denmark second half Serbia it’s again and again it’s the same slow lethargic Play No Connection in the final third that Bingham shot was their first On Target that sums it all up it’s kind of hard to figure out where to start and I guess you got to start with the manager you know the fact that he went with his tried and trusted at the start of the game was uh okay I get it I understand it the goup stages were horrible but it’s a different ball game again different animal as Craig said to be to be that bad in the first half and to come back out in the start of the second with no changes is absolutely scary I’m sorry that is not acceptable you know you three and a half games to get some Rhythm to get to get some form to get some chances to get some goals and you’ve come up blank again but you keep it the way it is I mean South Gate really and and and if I can fast forward to to extra time when they go ahead at extra time the one thing that they’ve been guilty of England when they’ve gone ahead since South Gate was there is drop into the drop in way too deep now that’s when the manager has to be on the sideline screaming at them to get up you don’t need you don’t need have done all your coaching badges to figure that one out but where was he he sat in his chair just letting it all happen and they’re all sat in the a box and there was a couple of close calls just because they’re sitting in their own box I mean listen the’re through it’s to do with Jude Bingham um for me I guess it’s 50/50 South Gate’s been terrible his players have been terrible as as as bad as the decision South Gates made the players have been as bad except Bellingham just quickly before the boys react I I I sort of skipped that interview that we we ran at the top Bingham what game is he talking about yeah Frankie you see the same game I mean I’ll give them the DU England they’ve got the siege mentality you know morning about everybody and seen there this was a great they’ve got they see they’ve fixed the B it and going you’re saying we’re playing badly this is we’re playing really well that was incredible the real now as you said uh it’s coming from French guy but he’s an honest answer about what I saw today I was so surprised by the poverty of of their football um and Jude bigam wasn’t at the level that we we used to see him so everybody’s going to forget because the bicycle goal and the fact that he saved a nation with that goal is going to erase everything and uh everybody for decad going to is going to see that goal that’s beautiful goal but otherwise um I didn’t see anything that I wanted to see I wanted to see a reaction from the that that team that you want to go on the knock stages knockout stages and um and again it could have been worse on the goal of shr and his scord gay makes a foul and if he falls it’s a it’s a penalty and a second yellow card therefore a red card for gay and it’s a total different game and different ball game and and everything I saw every time I saw at passing the minutes of the game that England couldn’t go there no and and Slovakia I would have been upset if I was a Slovakian supporter see you were fantastic for 94 minutes why you couldn’t hold one minute more you know but that’s football that’s a be football and special players some sometimes they do special actions and Bellingham and then Kane showed it to the world but otherwise that’s so poor I don’t see them going through if they keep on working like that I suppose the other point the other changing thing that could have changed the game was that I can’t remember exactly when it was was in the second half the long shot the long shot and I think that summed England up was the free kick was taken and they’re just completely on a different page whoever it was I can’t remember and and pick fls out and I think that kind of sums England up they they that should have been a goal it was a catastrophic free kick and it’s kind of where they are and where they’ve been they’re all over the place it was 94 minutes and 34 seconds into the game uh that’s the latest regulation Euro goal by an Englishman 21 years one days the youngest Englishman to score in the knockout stages we’ve seen six stoppage time goals this season former Bellingham for club and Country and don’t forget as well the Valencia one which got chalked off which shouldn’t have been either when the ref flew the whistle for full time and as I mentioned that was goal was England’s first shot uh of the match Jules I promise I’ll come to you I just want to get it from an ex-professional point of view is that why you leave you Bellingham on despite the fact he did nothing in the game because someone like that with that skill can produce that sort of moment absolutely listen generally I think G sou getes lucky because generally the question you’re asking usually a team has a couple of players ERS who unless unless they’ve lost a leg they have to stay on because you know as bad as they’ve been as much as they men not been in the game you know you need a goal from nothing and and you need players that can do that and actually if there’s one thing you can say about England they’ve actually got more than Jude Bellingham and and when I say that about players that can produce something from nothing so he’s lucky you know we say it all the time it doesn’t matter how good or how bad bad you are but if you’ve got some quality you can always pull it out and if you ever want an example of that yeah you’ve just seen it today what were you going to give him two out of 10 before he scored oh no um I was ready to give him a two between two or three and um I was talking with the with L the producer of today’s show and uh and she texted me said what do you want to give him two I said well not anymore because he’s called at that time and say nobody know nobody’s going to be uh nobody’s going to care about my my mark right now it’s going to be 10 out of 10 because he saving nation and everything is going to be as I said erased by his magnificent bicycle kick and that’s crazy that’s football that’s the beauty of football it’s what I like about it the surprise is even if you are bad at some point you can be the hero so from zero let’s say or two or three to Hero but that’s Jude Billingham I mean throughout the season with so many times where it disappeared and it wasn’t the the Bingham of the beginning of the season but by some special thing because he’s a special player he comes back to the uh to the the the front page we watch the classicos together Craig we’re laughing when we when we saw him score those goals obviously at monek against Barcelona because he kind of writing his own fairy tale here yeah particularly in the first six months of the season I saw and then he obviously you know had a little period where he was went a little bit flat for him which was to be expected but he just England haven’t found a way to get him influencing the game or Fen or s mhm or Harry Kane any of them they haven’t found a balance that’s been able to get them really influencing the game for a long periods for sustained periods where they’ve got the opposition on the back foot for 10 and 15 minute periods where they can’t get out like like we see Man City doing Real Madrid Arsenal this season where we’ve seen them play at home against you know mid-table mediocre Premier League teams and they can’t get a touch well England have played mediocre countries and yet we’re in a scenario where they’re allowing these teams to look good and and it’s it’s it’s on man I think it’s on the manager I really do I think it’s his approach it’s his tactics it’s his team selection and there’s no way they should be allowing the amount of pressure that they’ve been put under by the likes of the teams that they’ve played Jules the thing that frustrates uh England fans obviously that today wasn’t an anomally this is expected now with England to play this badly yeah we didn’t have to wait for today to know that sad is useless you know as as a as a as a head coach that those players don’t know how to play don’t know how to build up their faces don’t know how to press don’t know they don’t know any of that uh and but this is not new like you said we’ve seen that through this whole tournament I really thought today they would improve I really thought to start Mayu for example was the start or something better and actually we can even argue that this was maybe the worst first half in this tournament even worse than what we’ve seen so far and the only thing I think maybe is the most important now is that they cannot be in denial because that Jude Bellingham interview that we played is he is he’s just lying completely he’s lying to himself he’s lying to us to the fans because this is not the reality this is not the truth they didn’t play well today they didn’t control anything really yes they had the law of the ball but they had zero show on target until his goal they didn’t create anything there was again no structure in that play there was just nothing we hardly saw Fen passing the ball to one of the other attackers Saka was poor Bellingham was poor Kane was terrible even defensively where before we could have said okay maybe this the only positive so far defensively they were shocking tonight shocking I mean Walker on the right hand side the slovakians kept going it was like like the freeway it was just ridiculous so as long as they not in denial and they are objective on how bad they’ve been today and it’s a miracle really that they’ve qualified I’m okay with it this it’s this point in the show that I have to Sho on Manchester United and again oh wow there we are 13 minutes in there we are there we go Ronaldo as well for the well no the reason the reason I do that is I think the buck here stops with the manager England manager who is in the England job and has done reasonably well with where he’s taken him but again I think there’s reasons for that uh he was allegedly enos’s main man to take over one of the biggest clubs on the planet one of the biggest jobs one of the most difficult jobs GIS Southgate identified by inos that what does that that if you’re a man united fan watching this that’s telling you like I don’t think they’re much they’ve got many more brains than the glazers when it comes to picking people because South Gate at the end of this game said in a couple interviews I never felt we were going to lose this game what really yes he said I just thought was at a feeling we were going to get oh good I’m glad you feeling did you see the video of the England fans that actually left left yeah they could hear the RO just had had enough but you know I’m I’m what does it tell you about South cat that he didn’t make any changes at halftime wow wow he’s lost do you think he’s scared like I yeah that’s what I thought I thought he’s gone right I took K and Fen and sacka off but it was quite deep and it didn’t really mean that much but this is a knockout do I take off one of that four or do I I I wonder if he just didn’t want to make a change I because I can’t see any other reason you keep a player because you think that at some point he’s going to do something special that’s the the what we’re talking about Billingham you think that Saka at some point of foron would have done something but we saw throughout the game and throughout the previous game that it doesn’t happen and and players like Palmer can take over and be better so why do you hesitate is that because you’re incompetent or because you don’t see it or because you’re scared I don’t know maybe the former coach can tell us but I was amazed you know what I can compare with DJ desan you can say what whatever you want about the way he he he makes his team play but that’s the way he wants them to play and he has no um uh no no fear whatsoever to change anybody if he doesn’t feel wor thing is going to happen in this tournament I think is England to go deep real deep now Switzerland will beat them and everybody no no and I say this but I don’t mean mean this badly on Southgate but the people will come out and say wow you know this is a great job it’s not it’s not England England for me it’s a bit England for me are are are a side that if they’re wel I’m not saying the best side in Europe I’m not saying that because they have Pro problematic areas but if they were better coached by a real quality manager I I think they would be certainly playing a lot better than this and making the games a lot easier and and and I just I kind of worry a little bit that it’ll be papered over again if they get to like the have a Euro championships final a World Cup semi-final where by the way for the sake of repeating myself the dich at Croatia completely outflanked him in that game and he had he was left G Southgate with his coaches staring into the abyss didn’t know how to change it and I just think if if the we would be papering over a multitude of cracks Within the way he goes about it if england go deep here’s here’s the thing to go back to your question sometimes you actually ask a question there really isn’t an answer to it why he didn’t make changes at half time because not not not just that you’ve asked about three or four questions already in a space of what 17 minutes where everybody’s dumfounded and we can’t you know you’re asking what’s GTH South Gates thinking what an impossible question that is all the things that we’ve said are all things that we’re looking at a game thinking he’s got to change it why is he doing that why would you not do this why I mean it is just question after question after question so to try and get inside this guy’s head and think why he does or doesn’t do things is almost impossible that’s how far away from the so-called top coaches that this guy really is it’s interesting though it’s not just him that the player sub you look at Harry Kane’s performance in the 90 minutes obviously didn’t do much had that head foot wide obviously then scores at the start of extra time but it’s players like that Sur your captain your leader on the pitch that you need to be that driving force they should but it seems to be lost right they don’t know what to do they don’t know how to react and and there is a mix of uh of feelings when you are one one down where you know you want to go for it but you know that you you have to be patient but at the same time you have the anxiety throughout the minutes uh and the minutes going on so you you have to use your experience and make sure that you have the the the the captain but also the skipper meaning the coach of the team who tells you what to do because it is what it is you know the coach as as you mentioned before he has to tell you okay guys we play higher like 10 10 years higher on the field and uh and you make sure that you go on the side and and the message goes quickly but it seems to be that you have no messages because it doesn’t know what do right and and and and players they’ve tried stuff they’re not good so they have their responsibilities and they in the middle of the park they are in the middle of the battle so sometimes hard to think through and to see clearly the game so they need that help by the coach and well obviously they got so many people that that stff Frank was talking about there about when you’re on the field you know you need to you need to take care of things that are happening at the time that go against maybe What You’ve Been Told but to have so many so many players who look as though they’re lost is why you don’t get any reaction at all on the field and that is down to the manager the manager yes he has to pick the right team and he has to get the tactics but he also has to get everybody in a frame of mind to go and succeed and every single time that England have stepped on the field they haven’t had that and and and more importantly anytime that it’s gone wrong when you’re looking for something to happen nothing seems to happen has K changed his game in this EUR do you think he’s Fair well how many times have we SE he’s not right is he clearly not well how many times have we seen him saw once today well at least once correct me if I’m wrong I don’t know because there’s been a lot of games when he when he dropped a little deeper and he played that great ball the switch you play for tripier that for and scored he was offside that’s kind of what we expect sometimes from Harry Kane or a lot from Harry Kane it was great ball came short switched to play Slovakia was stretched uh Fen was brain dead should have just had to hold his run he stepped offside but how many times have we seen Harry Kane do that during games I I don’t remember him doing it a lot now sometimes he does it a little bit too much and you think right don’t need to come that deep but quite a lot of times for Spurs for Bayern for England he’s dropped a little bit deeper Center halfes don’t know whether to come with him or not and then he gets on the ball he gets turned or if aent a half comes with him there’s a space for somebody to get in I don’t really remember him doing that now it might be because bellingham’s playing as the number 10 I I I don’t know but do you think it’s possible that he puts a pressure on himself because you know he went from Spurs to Bayern never won anything he didn’t win the title with the in budas Lia with Bayan he know that they are the favorite so he wants to win therefore puts a pressure on himself as a captain therefore loses his football a little bit is that possible all I don’t know you played Frank from I’ve never been that position but but I tell you what Frank I tell you what we’re doing on Frank is England players are smarting from any criticism that comes their way yeah there’s no doubt about it oh that’s true yeah there it’s not just Kan there there bellingham’s been talking in press conference about about P pylons he called it Pyon we know there’s going to be a pylon uh we know there’s pressure listen and so what’s what that’s telling me is is that there’s a lot of media talk behind the scenes mhm and listen they’re always you know we always talk about press guys oh Johnny so and so give me a three out of 10 but you don’t don’t make it a big story and I feel that England theen are kind of I feel it’s eating away at them that how that that people have the audacity to question them yeah and and Jules this is the weird thing when you hear English players talk as Craig said Jude Bellingham said there pile on against us after the group stages there’s a pile on against Italians there’s a pile on against the German performer this isn’t unique to people aren’t more critical in England than they are anywhere else in Europe yet it seems that the English you’re smarting more from it than anyone else I don’t know what planet they live on really and that’s we go back to what I was saying earlier about being in denial or you know lying to yourself in a way because if you and I think we said it the other day on the show as well this is not the carear world this is you a professional football player this is always going to come you’re never going to win every single game in your career this is not possible there will be times where the critics are out because you’re just not good individually collectively your team is not doing well your coach is bad all of that the boys have gone through it everybody every Pro every player is going to go through it at some point in his career and maybe in previous tournaments which by the way Bellingham hasn’t played many but for the others maybe because things were a bit better semi-final final okay quarterfinal in Qatar against the French but so maybe the the critics were not as heavy as this because this has been by far the worst tournament since Euro 2016 really and today I felt very much like the Iceland of 2016 that was Slovakia today yeah for 30 seconds at the end this is it this is exactly the same scenario the same game Hots is like gate and this is it really and we go back all like eight years ago really so I’m just don’t I’m not sure where Planet they’re coming from if you if you want a Pon you should have gone to bonaz areus for for 10 years before they won the World Cup Messi was getting and there was only one guy get the one guy was getting most of it if not all of it I mean that’s a proper Pyon yes you know that what what the particularly what the South American guys were getting with the pressure down there Brazil Argentina so forth and so forth that’s before you even get to countries that are way more successful than England France Germany Italy uh and all these others so it’s almost like an entitlement I feel I do feel that some of these players feel entitled uh and and that’s strange because most of them it would seem the clubs are down to he kindy you know rounded guys but it seems this tournament is almost like an entitlement about listen just let us do and and don’t criticize us and and actually it’s not a good look is that message coming for the for the the staff because as players you know we listen to Bingham talking nonsense about how well they played but he can’t actually believe that and as players you don’t play at this level unless you understand when you’re doing okay or you’re not and when you’re not doing okay and you get filters that doesn’t upset you because you know you’re not doing well it’s when you’re actually doing well people are criticizing you then it’s like hold on a second why you criticize not when you not when you’re playing like this but if they don’t understand how bad they are where’s that coming from is that is it the staff keep telling them that listen don’t worry you know we’ve had Southgate in particular every time he’s been on he said how how difficult it is to beat anybody in International Football so if he’s firing that message on all the time is it in the head are they thinking oh this is hard why they to go us so you got six days now to prepare for Switzerland oh get a dart board we we we know your dark board out get all the players names put it on into your Dart throw it at the board we know that gay gay is not on the board obviously he sustained there’ll be one change K Gomez a dunk there’s no reason from what we’ve seen that South Gate will do anything else but put out that same team I said wor well that it wouldn’t be a surprise though it wouldn’t be so probably going to be the same front four yeah unless he does play buaya Saka at left back or left wing back he might change the shape I don’t know no idea uh I would think Miner would play with with Dean rice as not I don’t think there’s much debate about rightfully yeah yeah yeah absolutely and and you know I’m not blaming this on any of the youngsters with limited uh experience uh but even before this tournament started talking about Luke Shaw maybe been fit for this game who’s not played since February any mindset is that and you go look you’ve no you’ve not played you’ve had a few training sessions go and play in the quarterfinals of a of a euro is that talk you know it’s it’s it’s almost like saying yeah the rest of them not very good going to play this guy but but this talk about the media against us is just a complete no no the media would be splattering all the great greatest stuff in in the planet if England play great and win this thing they’re out to they’re out for when you play badly they’re out for a headline and England are giving them certainly enough ammunition at the moment but I I STI Stevie and I talked about the Italy Switzerland game we didn’t believe Italy are a very good side and I think that was shown they’re absolutely bang average Switzerland are no world beaters but they’ve got good game now good understanding of game awareness and at the moment H I still would fancy the way the Swiss are playing over the way the English are playing yeah if it wasn’t England on on the name and you saw these four games you well they haven’t got a chance no of course they not and if they play like that they won’t have a chance to Against The Swiss because as you mentioned Craig they very solid they know exactly where where they go they have a tactic and the coach is very influential in that matter and um and so far they’ve been perfect I mean close to perfect they’ve done what they had to do what everybody was expecting Which is far away from the English Squad so um you know I I see England yesterday I said in my prediction that England will go to the final but uh because I really thought like everybody else they’re going to wake up like jul said that today is going to be a knockout stages is different that that the group stages but I didn’t see that and uh and so I I don’t see them going through against the Swiss if they carry on like that unless they make they Mak changes he’s not going to well they’re not going through then well isn’t it that’s it like why we’re back to weed we’re back to where we started exact he going to go again with sacka on one side and Fon on the other that has not walked at all that’s four games on the Trot that it’s it’s not only not walked it’s been a trous yeah and and and as bad as most of them have been there’s no way you can’t there’s no way you start the the next game without C pass it came off we going back to half time we almost back he looked as though he was in a different League you don’t make changes at half time after that first half you’re never going to make changes there was no way he wasn’t making changes it’s there was no way it was like right it was actually quite intriguing wasn’t it to sit and go right I wonder who I wonder who it’s going to be and then dark go now changing even Ian went well I can’t believe you know the uh look it’s not just this is the from England perspective it’s not just that this magnificently talented front line and it is is not functioning properly at the back yeah even Slovakia who again use the phrase limited and they are uh they took their goal well how many balls were they able to Fizz across that sixy box particularly in the first half even in injury time and in extra time sorry they were still a threat crosses into the box you know this England defense it looks wobbly as well and then people say well the defensive record in this competition thus far has been pretty good and it has but again you know when when the opposition are not offering up too much you’re going to look better than you are so I think his problems are absolutely at both ends of the field uh let’s just remind you then how the bracket looks after today’s result of course after knocking out Italy uh we know that it will be switzland against England that is next Saturday [Music]

On ESPN FC, Craig Burley, Frank Leboeuf, Steve Nicol and Julien Laurens join Dan Thomas to discuss England’s narrow 2-1 (AET) victory over Slovakia as Jude Bellingham rescued England from crashing out of Euro 2024 on Sunday with a stunning 95th-minute equalizer.

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  1. These commentators are missing two basic knowkedge facts. It's a team sport everyone plays an important role. It's a game with many variables and every player in every avtion contributes. Plus all players at this level are talented, fast, strong. Not only the popular ones. A team that plays aggressive presses well, switches and moves off the ball a lot can beat anyone at this level. This Euro and the Last World Cup is proving me right. These high paid commentators miss these two basic although important aspects of a team sport like Soccer so their comments are often inaccurate

  2. England do this eeeeeeevery tournament 🤦🏾‍♂️ and the arrogance of them; they think they don’t need an intl manager, he must be English has always backfired

  3. This was actually a fantastic game ,reminded me of man utd vs bayern 99 European final ,England out then a magnificent moment from a legend in the making 👏

  4. Jude turned up his intensity the last 10 minutes leading up to the goal. He may just be too out of gas after the long Madrid season to ask him to play at that level from the first minute.

  5. You guys are SOOOO lucky!~!!, because you can do even more England talk!!!! Imagine the ratings without some more serious Gareth debate.. the Euro's would just die. Go England!!!.. prove that big time players can overcome even the most inept manager!!!!! … btw.. awesome goal Bellingham!! cheers dude for a highlight for the ages!!! keep building that CV!!!! Kane keeps doing what Kane does.. score!

  6. Typical Southgate literally 30 seconds away from getting his passport revoked, until Bellingham gets him out of jail. Switzerland will punish them in the Quarter Finals exposing their fragility sending them home

  7. The changes made by the coach saved him from exclusion from the European Championship 2024, with the entry of striker Ivan Toni and midfielder Eberechi Eze, which gave the midfield a more effective attacking momentum, because Bellingham is not a striker, but at Real Madrid they are the reason for Bellingham’s transformation from a midfielder to a midfielder. attacker. Although he scored a wonderful goal, he is a midfielder, and with the entry of striker Ivan Toney, Harry Kane was freed from pressure.

  8. Southgate is failing upwards currently, if England win or even get to the final it will be sheer luck or the players taking it into their own hands. Tactically inept

  9. If southgate loves his starting 10 so much (because he cant decide on the 11th man, trent, manoo, gallager etc) whe djdnt he play them in all the friendlies before hand so they can gel, work on tactics etc instead of hosting open trials?????

  10. Southgate getting the luck that so many previous England managers didn’t get. It’s terrible what we are witnessing, no tactics, no passion, no clue. Just luck at this point. Southgate is a fraud

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