Elliot Anderson to Forest

by superdog77


  1. mods_eq_neckbeards on

    100% profit through on the other hand lands, have to try and see the positives somehow

  2. I really hope there is a buy back or sell on fee there, I truly think he could be a world beater on his day

  3. Pure_Mastodon_9461 on

    Geez you lot. If you cant sell your 6th best midfielder, who can you sell?

  4. Bummer he’s gone since he is a local lad but good bit of business to be fair

  5. Exotic_Succotash_226 on

    Genuinely sad about this, tbh.. but also, when we get financially stable, maybe we’ll bring him back home… Would have rather sold Callum, almiron, etc

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