Sheffield Wednesday sign Jamal Lowe

by -W-A-W-A-W-


  1. LUFC_shitpost on

    Sheffield Wednesday doing some tidy business early on. Hard to rank where they’ll finish just yet but will certainly be a lot more comfortable this season.

  2. 5 signings before July – what a fucking start to the window.

    Ben Hamer as 2nd choice, Yan Valery as competition for Pol, Max Lowe as competition for Neymarv, Svante Ingelsson for some more energy in midfield and now Jamal Lowe up top – fucking love it.

    Next in will be Olaf Kobacki it seems.

    Championship isn’t ready for what Danny is cooking up.

  3. Rollsafeholdtight on

    Good signing for you lot can be a top level championship player at times but ghosts at others. If he’s fit and if he’s in form he should bag a fair few goals

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