Don’t get fooled by haters with the narrative that Foden has been terrible and done nothing. The eye test doesn’t lie.

by NavJongUnPlayandwon


  1. Glad others are mentioning that Trippier could and should have released the ball earlier. Yes, Foden should do better to not stray offside but there was no reason for Tripper to not release sooner.

  2. This entire foden argument is stale , people have bad international games, certain systems don’t accomodate certain players well. Just bench Foden , why is that so bad to say,he is clearly underwhelming. Everyone forgets that foden is being rated not as an English player but as the best premier league player of the season. If he is not performing then let him be benched even saka was played left back to accomodate Palmer and make the system work.

  3. This is a reach, they eye test doesnt lie and it shows Foden is consistently awful. To suggest hes done more or better than Kane or Jude is a horrible take

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