Arne Slot has now confirmed that Kelleher is part of his plans for the new season❤️



  1. WillDaThrilll13 on

    I love kweev, but I hope we don’t end up limiting his development in the end. Conventional wisdom is that he really needs time as the first choice keeper somewhere to reach his potential

  2. JohnBobbyJimJob on

    Bit of a meaningless thing to say

    The club and manager obviously will want to keep him because he’s a pretty good backup keeper that’s not the reason behind the speculation on his future

  3. TripPrestigious on

    In my selfish world

    Ali would retire around 35 for us

    Then a 30 year old Kelleher would become the no.1 and play as a world class keeper till 40 for us :3 hehe

  4. I am sure he is as we would all hope

    But if Kelleher doesn’t want to stay and an appropriate offer from a team he’s interested in comes in then I don’t see us convincing him to stay

    Not like Slot was gonna come out and say yea we want rid and he’s up for sale

  5. Hellstorm111 on

    He is too good to be a backup player. Let him go. His cost is at its peak, so it would be wise to cash out on him now. Surely finding an appropriate replacement is hard, but not impossible.

  6. Suspicious_Weird_373 on

    This means nothing. Of course he’s part of his plans, whilst he’s here, if he is sold then he isn’t part of his plans anymore.

  7. Altersreality on

    It’s not even Slot’s decision. Kelleher DESERVES a move away, and the club should support that.

  8. Fist pumped as I’m choosing to read this as he’s staying. (I know it means nothing if someone comes in for him). I really like Kweev and I think as Ali is a keeper that gets injured more than the norm he gets plenty of mins to develop. We’re lucky to have him as our #2.

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