Mcburnie gone by the looks of it.

by UTBalex


  1. I don’t have a problem with him going. Would be irresponsible to re-sign someone who’s only fit ~40% of the time, especially for the type of wage he’d be on.

    I’m getting worried by the lack of inbound deals though. Those 4 leaving puts us down to how many first teamers? 6 or 7?

    No idea what’s happening with this takeover, but they *need* to sort their shit out, QUICKLY. Can’t go into Preston having to play kids.

  2. Another one I’m a bit gutted by leaving. He was a shithouse but he was our shithouse, you know? Problem was he was only ever fit for half the games of the season.

    Just Brewster left of the very expensive dud to meh signings left then. I’m not sure I rate Wilder with this rebuild.

  3. spaceshipcommander on

    I don’t care that he’s gone but I do care that we have once again let an expensive player (at this level) run his contract out and leave for free.

    To really rub it in I’ve got no doubt he will sign for a rival tomorrow and score 20 goals.

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