Leeds fans are chuffed that Rodon chose them over newly promoted Prem teams and more money. I find that quite touching. Good luck Joe!

by Hopeful-Ear-3494


  1. It feels nice that he found a place for himself, I wish him nothing but the best

  2. His best football has come in the Championship, and for some people it just matters more to enjoy yourself and be happy. Seems to have flourished there, so why risk another poor fit elsewhere? Maybe they get back up, next year.   
    Edit: (Know him I do not.)

  3. eggplant_avenger on

    glad he’s going somewhere he’s known and loved.

    personally I’d also rather be in a title/promotion race than a relegation fight. and just structure my contract so I get a pay rise after relegation

    edit: lmao keeping the mistake but I meant pay rise after promotion

  4. I’m happy if he’s happy. Sounds like everyone got a bit of what they want – Gray was 100% going to go this window, he’s worth too much so Leeds had to sell for PSR, and he’s too talented not to get PL bids. I think Rodon had a great season with them and they like him a lot, hopefully that cushions the blow for the fans.

  5. I ventured over to the Leeds sub just to see what they were saying about Gray, and chuffed is putting it mildly.

  6. Good player but not up to the level we need to be at. Still can’t believe we passed on Kim for him but those were dark times before the Don was in the kitchen.

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