Cristiano Ronaldo REDUCED TO TEARS! ➡️ FULL REACTION to Portugal-Slovenia | ESPN FC

goodness me we’ve got to start the show with a game that has just finished incredible stuff here Frank and Stevie alongside me watching it all unfold you think nil nil penalties you think but it just had so many different narratives throughout the game most of them around Cristiano Ronaldo who started the game and finished it as well nil nil as we go into extra time Portugal awarded a controversial penalty we would see then Cristiano Ronaldo Step Up OB black would make the save this was just before halftime in extra time Cristiano Ronaldo bursts into tears that will be the focus I imagine of what you’ll see on most newspapers tomorrow in the end though Pepe with a mistake big chance for Slovenia to get the equalizer but it’s Diego Costa who proved to be the hero not only in making that big save but in the penalty shootout as well he would save every single savan penalty portal would score every single one of theirs and of course it was Cristiano Ronaldo who came back to score the opening penalty Portugal threw to face France in the next Round Slovenia out I think that covers most of it welcome then to gab marcotti as well we’re here from from gab in a moment Steve what a game what a what extra time it was absolutely incredible and the amount of pressure that the Portuguese put Slovenia under was absolutely immense however they at no stage looked as though they were going to break them down you know myself in particular I’m always complaining about today’s game the art of Defending has gone well I tell you what if you want if you want to see a team that knows how to defend that’s what Slovenia did today because with the amount of pressure they they were under they never panicked the defensively they all picked up good positions they made great decisions when they did make the challenges and and Portugal never looked like scoring uh this they got the penalty which they shouldn’t have gotten and even then he still couldn’t score so what a defensive display just pure heart and soul and I must admit and I must add the two best chances in the game fell to Slovenia cesco was through twice yes one-onone so not only did the keeper save three penalties he came up with two huge saves as as much as we’d love to spend this show saluting slovenians defensive prowess there’s one man that everyone is talking about at the end and that is of of course Cristiano Ronaldo it was quite extraordinary to see him at that half time just absolutely inconsolable yeah I don’t I understand that um he feels that uh everything for fell apart but at the same time you have to think about your teammates the game is not over you’re not you’re not losing you’re going to still fight and at the end of the day they they got qualify uh first I think they didn’t deserve the penalty for me was was on the penalty the penalty sh shootout wasn’t very good it was on the what I call the gloves area and O black is a terrible fantastic goalkeeper so he he saved it but don’t cry in front of your teammates I mean keep it for maybe the end of the game if you lose but don’t do with that you you understand the emotional emotion going through your mind when you miss it a penalty and I did miss a penalty it happened to me uh but not maybe on that level uh even if it was a champions league but you don’t react like that because your friends are upset against you because you missed it and they don’t want to see that because you you’re going to put everybody’s temper in the wrong direction and you are the captain you are the skipper but still having said all that it takes a lot to then step up and take a penalty in the penalty shoes house and you got to salute him for that oh yeah yeah yeah it’s it takes a lot to to go for it and and uh and there is a real technique and Slovenian proved that they don’t have the the right technique even if Costa was the saver they put every shootout on the on the gloves area meaning one yard high too high it’s either on the floor it’s on the top corner or but never on the gloves area that’s stupid that’s insane and at that level it’s for me a big mistake and and they’ve been punished for that the Well Done Joo Costa yeah it’s true you have to have the some guts to to to go for it and Ronaldo to go twice it’s hard especially after missing one but uh I think he want to prove to himself and to the all to the old population of Portugal that he he was there and uh and it was one mistake couldn’t be two and of course lvia missed their opening penalty which maybe gave him a little bit took the pressure off a little gab this was the Cristiano Ronaldo show right from the start every free kick every every chance every Focus was on him throughout and then it just takes it to that next level in extra time yeah and look uh I I I’ll say this about him you know um Roberto’s been I’m sorry criticized uh for playing him you know Gonzalo Ramos you know he could do more he presses whatever but the reality is Cristiano wants the responsibility he doesn’t Sherk from it he tries to take the responsibility and when he makes a mistake when he has that emotional moment and and by the way I mean we can all get cynical about football but this guy first played in the Euros back in 2004 I mean some of these players weren’t even born yet and you know for him to to go to screw up and then to redeem himself like that and to show this Humanity of of crying when you think he’s been in situations like this before um I I thought that was incredibly moving would you make it the tear Stevie I’m not for me I can’t Echo what Frank said enough you know Ronaldo as a football player is not just a football player to Portugal and the Portuguese team he he is he’s Way Beyond up there so how do you think that affects the team when the guy who’s way up there looks as though he’s mentally collapsed now we all understand that the type of character and the way he is mentally he can pull himself together the way he did in a short space of time and sort of pushed it aside but we don’t know what the rest of the team are like and so to do that was putting his team in a not only did he put his team in a bad situation missing the penalty but he’s now he’s now put them in a mental a mental state as well cuz all they’re thinking about is this guy recovered yet right so the game’s kicked off and I’m sure some of the players are still thinking is he okay you know are we is it all right just to keep so I I don’t get it and and there’s one thing to to take respons ability and that’s fantastic that’s what you want an any player but when you’ve got a guy like Gomez on the bench and you’ve got a 39y old Center forward and we’re in the 10 and whatever minute are you telling me that that’s the right thing to do is to keep him on I don’t think so I really don’t think so you know one of supp be the right thing though didn’t he because he scored one of the pen they got one of the penalties but appar sh could have gone the other way no the same time if you’d rather you’d rather beat Slovenia obviously you’d rather beat him in 90 minutes but when it comes to ex time you go okay fresh legs now who’s going to have fresh legs Gomez or Ronaldo at 39 so let’s win the game before we go to penalties you don’t want to keep are you telling me you want to keep Ronaldo on the field in case he go a penalties that that that that that that’s wrong to me when he says when we talk about taking responsibility you have to take responsibility as well for failure because when you Misses it is when you have to take responsibility for the failure mean you you you you you went for it and you know before that you there is a possibility that you’re going to miss it and so accept it when you when you miss it you know what for me the the moment of the game is when pep missed I mean fell kind of fell and and and pepe and Joo Costa saved saved him I felt during the Run of cesco going towards the goalkeeper I say no please no no for his carrier enough to to remember him for that failure and I’m so pleased that Yogo Costa saved Pepe because it would have been terrible for the end of his career how do you think Roberto Martinez has dealt with Cristiano Ronaldo within this game G look I I I think you have to have a sense of of History uh a sense of occasion I agree with Frank um as far as pep was concerned you know let’s not forget this is a guy who who two years older than Cristiano and while Cristiano especially at that stage of the game you know let’s face it he’s going to float Around The Penalty Box all the action is in is in Portugal’s final third it’s not nowhere near as physically taxing as what it could be for Pep if there is a Counterattack and he has to get on his bike um and yet he kept them out there and and and obviously there was that mistake from cesco that that tremendous sa from from Doo Costa um look I think Roberto’s kind of done things his own way we saw him play that that that weird formation in the first game he’s kept things a little more level he’s made his choices and I think he’s going to sink or swim by this and you know I I take on board the importance of the team and winning the tournament and whatever else but Cristiano Ronaldo lonel Messi these guys they’re not they’re not normal footballers and and I think you have to have a certain appreciation for that and also with all due respect it’s gonal Ramos on the bench right not not Kevin Keegan and gar Mohler and Van Baston rolled into one so I can live with it in terms of put leaving him out there once he missed the penalty I think the narrative had to be simple you know go out and redeem yourself um and and at that point I was pretty sure he wasn’t going to go out help po hindrance I would suggest if they play if they keep trying to play the way they did in this game for the rest of the tournament then it’s going to be a hindrance because he was the only player in the Penalty Box for the majority of this game true and there was a lot of balls whipped in from wide areas and the Ronaldo we know is about as good in the air as anybody that’s ever played the game just on that one thing alone and he got nowhere near any of the balls and it wasn’t like the ball s were horrible some of the crosses were in good positions at a great height but he never got near any of them the the two center backs in particular completely dominated them in the aerial Jews and the what and and just to confound the problem that they have with Ronaldo the way he set up Nobody Gets In The Box from in the middle of the park Le is way out wide on the left you got Bernard Sila way out wide on the right you got canel on the right as well whipping balls in the B the two of them were whipping balls in and nobody’s getting in the Box on the middle of the park to help Ronaldo so he’s isolated so if you’re going to isolate Ronaldo yes I understand Ronaldo’s special and he’s different but he’s 39 years of old of of age and he doesn’t have that first step to get away from anybody even in the Penalty Box and he probably at 39 doesn’t have the spring that he used to have so if they’re going to continue to play the way they or try and play the way they looked like they were doing today he’s going to be isolated and he can’t be isolated because it’s not only because he’s 39 because if you are a center backs and you have only one problem to sort out and you are two like he going to is going to happen to caliba and op Opa meano in a quarterfinal it’s easy it can be Ronaldo or anybody else even if Ronaldo is a magnet if if he feels the games and everything and he’s an extraordinary player and he can do something special even if he’s 39 it’s going to be a problem for him to find a solution between two International very top player and uh if he hasn’t got the help of the others by a run of somebody who can distract the center backs it’s going to be a problem for them and and especially for Ronaldo so it’s it’s not going to be possible for him to find a way to fre to free himself explain to me the Dynamics of free Kick taking and the decision as to who takes them obviously the stat the rounds 34 free kicks Ronaldo has taken in European championships he hasn’t scored any of them yeah if it’s someone like zenine zadan for France and you you can it’s just not working is there a conversation are there leaders on the pitch that that have the authority to say no there is there is a a hierarchy in that matter U on penalties the the coach will talk before the game say the first the second the third depending on somebody’s injured or or substituted uh but on freix no it’s just the feeling of player whether it’s going to be on the left side on the right side but in that matter it can be anywhere it’s going to be Ronaldo right when you know that you have it’s not there’s no Bruno Fernandez there’s no one no Bernardo Silva saying well they can ask they can ask the captain say do you mind I see they don’t even ask they know that Ronaldo is going to take everything gab brought up the word responsible right it’s irresponsible of Ronaldo to keep Time After Time After Time sticking Over the Bar hitting it against the wall he has to take responsibility on himself that somebody else should have a goal or somebody else should be taking it that that word responsible has a whole lot of different meanings behind it and that’s one and it’s a big one because he should know as well as anybody else he hasn’t scored a free kick as you said in 34 so when you look around the squad and the team and the names that you mentioned standing next to him you have to be responsible enough and able enough to put your ego aside and say okay I need to step aside here so after all this Ronaldo discussion it’s obviously going to be Portugal against France in the next round n n it from a France perspective do you want Ronaldo to start I would say yes because because of the way they play because of Ronaldo playing really that’s because he’s as I said he’s a magnet so the players are influenced by the fight he’s on the field so they’re going to go and I talked about that before the game they would have maybe more options less Talent maybe but more options if Ronaldo wasn’t playing but because he’s playing they have to give him the ball if he makes a run and you can see his uh is um the way he behaves when he doesn’t receive the ball he talks to the guy say why do he don’t give me the ball so um for France you have to take care of him because you know that at some point the players are going to look for him because of the magnet’s uh kind of uh way of of of thinking from the player those players they play with somebody who is already a legend and um who they know they cannot cope with him so they have to give uh to give aend to him because that’s what it is and um and it’s not Ronaldo’s fault it’s just human behavior towards somebody would deserve the best of the best but if you’re a CAO you’ll be going I hope Ronaldo plays uh I would say you have to saying that and if I say that so nicely will say yes he has to play because it’s better for SBA some people will think that I think that Ronaldo is bad no it’s just because I’m asking the question I’m ask because again yes and and opo would say okay we know that in our area nobody’s going to come around because nobody wants to distract Ronaldo possibilities to get the ball I see so it’s why it’s better for them to to see Ronaldo on the field absolutely you you’d want Ronaldo starting as well if you’re abolutely yeah well if I’m if I’m if I’m the shs I’m going you know what we can if we if we want to which they probably won’t but they can they they can decide how the way this game goes because they can they can say you know what we’re going to press up high cuz Ronaldo’s not running away from aoo a a Lia so there you go and if they and if they sit deep and give Portugal the ball they’ve just watched today that they can take they can take care of if if the two center backs from Slovenia can take care of Ronaldo today I think caliba and a are more than capable of doing the same again it’s going to be it’s going to be tactically very interesting to see because Portugal didn’t like to get the ball so they going to get the ball and France love that because they can play in Counterattack so it’s a perfect game for them if Portugal play high on the field leaves Ronaldo alone in a in a 16 yard work let’s say and they going to work on Counterattack and we saw that in one action mbappe against pep running that’s going to be tricky for for pep pep what’s happened to Pepe he’s 41 wait he’s 41 why we calling him pep oh because it’s uh because there is no uh we we put something on top of the the E and he didn’t see it so French G last thing last thing last word on all of this to you you guys are being a little bit negative here I mean Stevie when you talked about well if France press High when have you seen dumps France ever press High yeah you know what’s GNA happen I mean Frank laid it out for you they’re going to sit deep uh they’re going to leave the ball they’re going to try to hit on the counter because that’s how he rolls he’s Safety First and in those conditions I agree with you you can’t if you’re Portugal you can’t focus everything on Cristiano but this is where you expect veterans very good players like Bruno fernan like like Bernardo Silva even Le if he gets going and he runs at people take advantage of the fact that Cristiano’s there take advantage of the opportunities that it gives you not necessarily to cross the ball for him but to take advantage of of mismatches of situations that can arise and that’s down to Roberto martinz and I think that’s where he can he can improve Portugal further and where probably he needs to uh improve Portugal If they to have a a chance to knock out France [Music]

Cristiano Ronaldo REDUCED TO TEARS! ➡️ FULL REACTION to Portugal-Slovenia | ESPN FC

Frank Leboeuf, Gab Marcotti and Steve Nicol join Dan Thomas on ESPN FC to react to the 0-0 draw between Portugal and Slovenia in the UEFA Euro 2024 Round of 16. Portugal advances on penalties.

0:00 Slovenia’s defense
3:40 Ronaldo’s shot chart
5:44 Ronaldo’s emotions
12:07 Missed penalty kick
14:41 Portugal vs. France


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  1. Bruh. those guys are lane af, same talking point for 20mins, bring the COPA America commentators for this would be way more entertaining.

  2. The fact that he was emotional and cried he was never out of it he was still so much in it he never gave up. It's just simply a lesson to all even if you fall what matter most is never to give up and that is what we say from cr7 period

  3. Ronaldo’s Saudi career alone is bigger than Lebeouf’s entire club career. Yet, for some strange reason, he feels he is qualified to criticise Ronaldo. For what it is worth, Ronaldo’s tears unleashed the beast in their goalkeeper to achieve a record unprecedented in this tournament. Now that’s how you “think about your teammates”

  4. Mbappe will 100% sell the game and let Portugal win. He’s the biggest cheerleader for Ronaldo and will miss tap-in goals on purpose so that his idol who’s retiring wins a trophy. Maybe Mbappe will score an own goal to make it easier for Portugal.

  5. Bro everyone needs to stfu and stop criticizing Ronaldo, if he cries it’s cause he felt disappointed in himself stfu and stop trying to shame him. Idiots reporting for ESPN

  6. How many goals for Mbappe, Kane, etc etc. Shut up. So many low scoring games. These guys keep crying over Ronaldo playing. He didn’t look out of place at any point in the game but these pundits want him gone. Journalists should be balanced, not so biased as this.

  7. Without any blind fan anyone could see that Ronaldo should retire from international football. Forget about the crying after the penalty but he was basically nagging the full match.

  8. Everyone is talking about Ronaldo, when really we should all be talking about Diogo Costa. He is the reason Portugal are still in this competition

  9. dont be stupid, at 39, people are still expecting him to score all the goals for his team, the pressure is immense. Its frustrating for him that he hasnt scored the whole tournament and missed the penalty. The man lives and breathes football esp for his country. Not only that, he didnt get to play the last final they won. Its just bad luck all around. Can understand why he cried. Really hope he can find a way to score in this tournament to take them to semi or final. Dont have to win it. Lebouf the loser already starting the mind games coz syitty france are afraid of portugal cos they won with 1 single deflected goal, belgium deserved a penalty shootout.

  10. From a lover of football (with a preference for Messi), Ronaldo played his heart out and did as well as he could on the day. Costa played phenomenally! Just a shame Pepe’s career didn’t end in that manner, would’ve been the perfect karma for his dirtiness over the years 🤷‍♂️

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