John Egan, Ben Osborn, Oli McBurnie and Daniel Jebbison have all left Sheffield United.

by Toxetor


  1. Starting to get a bit shaky here Prince, can we please finish the takeover and sign some players?

  2. Probably the right time for all of them to go if we had any signings coming in.

    Takeover hasn’t happened yet. They’re unlikely to want Wilder in charge and we’ve got about 10 senior players.

    This is good. This is fine. This is exactly the same way we started last season. What could go wrong?

  3. BigMikeAshley on

    Can see Sunderland going for Jebbison, we were linked with him a couple seasons ago.

    Wouldn’t mind Egan back, either.

  4. WaWaW_Seattle on

    They all left just as I got the popcorn in… time to settle down and enjoy the drama as it unfolds

  5. If we don’t get taken over soon, we’re screwed, double relegation very much on the table.

  6. How would Jebbison be at this level?

    I remember us being linked with him for a loan a couple of years ago

  7. I know with my flair this might seem like I’m just being hopeful, but…

    We went through the “will they, won’t they” takeover drama a hell of a lot. Generally, when it drags on this long and plays out in the media it’s not going to happen. There’s something a bit weird about the whole thing, and with players seemingly now choosing to take contracts elsewhere it leaves the club in limbo with the season fast approaching.

    You could argue that after the capitulation of last season a clear out was needed. However, you’d expect that a decent manager could get something out of the core that was there when playing at this level. Seeing so many go and no sign of anyone coming doesn’t suggest that the summer is about to turn on a sixpence once a takeover is finalised.

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