Joshua Kimmich is ready to consider a transfer out of Bayern if no agreement is reached. The Premier League could be a destination for him. Many clubs have him on their list. If he decides to leave Bayern, it’s a concrete possibility [@FabrizioRomano]

by pewpewlasersandshit


  1. Is Kimmich messaging Fabrizio directly or something, since he doesn’t have an agent.

    I don’t know I call BS on this hahaha. Of course if no deal is reached he’ll consider his options? This seems like a nothing story

  2. Would be a massive mistake to let our next captain leave. Hes been here for almost 9 years and been an integral part in EVERY season pretty much.

  3. such a pity, Kimmich is so far the best RB at the EM. His hybrid WB/CM play is really good.

  4. # “If he decides to leave Bayern, it’s a concrete possibility ”

    wow, who came up with that.

  5. Little-Bear13 on

    It’s stupid to let him go. Can we instead let the many plastic fans go who were criticising him all the time?

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