Senior politicians indulging in light da patter, yes or no?

by cameruso


  1. blackenedandchanged2 on

    I can only imagine the car crash of him pronouncing “TOBLERONE”

  2. Regardless of politics I’m into it and encourage leaders of all parties to get involved.

  3. Stephen Flynn is a guy I just can’t help but like. First person in his family to go to uni, genuine football fan and has been through some amount overcoming that disability he had. He also has winding up Tories perfected to a fine art even with the little things like having his hands in his pockets in Westminster

  4. Imagine that thick tory fuck thinking any floating voters in Scotland will now *not* vote SNP because an MP doesn’t want England to win..

    These cunts are on another planet.

  5. Imaginary_You_919 on

    I don’t follow any party. Don’t even know who this guy is. But has he got someone to take a photo of him kidding on he’s sat at a computer, with a selection of hand picked books eating a toblerone?

  6. FootCheeseParmesan on

    You just don’t support England. It’s just how it is. You want them to lose.

    Flynn gets it. It’s an extremely low bar to get, but so many people fail over and over by stumbling on weird centrist ‘all home nations’ pish.

    Grow up, and hate English football.

  7. Al_Greenhaze on

    I hope England get absolutely pumped by Switzerland. Did you see the state of Gary Neville when that Bellingham goal went in? Screaming like a total prat.

  8. ScottishExile on

    Andrew Pierce campaigned against legalised gay marriage and opposed preventative HIV medication being widely available on the basis that the taxpayer shouldn’t subsidise ‘reckless gay sex.’

    Andrew Pierce is also an openly gay man who clearly hates himself.

    The walloper deserves no respect to begin with.

  9. Father-Spodo-Komodo on

    That’s it. I will not be voting SNP now.

    ^(Because I live in England and they don’t have candidates here.)

  10. Don’t even want them to win a corner let alone a game, what’s this balloon smoking? He’s not pushed sway voters away from the SNP if anything he’s brought a couple of stragglers closer to.

  11. Speaking as an Englishman with Scottish roots.

    I think the genuinely confusing thing for a lot of England fans is when Scotland or any of the other home nations are playing (not against England), the vast majority support the home nation, anecdotally I don’t actually know of anyone among my circle who wanted to see Scotland out of the Euros.

    So I think there’s a delusional entitlement we feel towards reciprocity. “We support you so why don’t you support us”.

    There’s also a subsection of England fans like myself that will still support Scotland, know full well you lot don’t like us and love the banter such as displayed here 🤣.

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