
by dcondorelli


  1. Fluffy--Bunny on

    Fuck him and his mommy! Super overrated. Had one good season in what, six years? Not to mention his never ending contract issues with him and mommy dearest.

  2. Bin him, not worth the money and aggravation. Need to restart from players that care.

  3. Alive-Clerk-7883 on

    Should be let go, and since there are more midfielders joining the club + the youngsters stepping up it should be fine, and we still need a real CDM…

  4. help-Me-Help_You on

    Let him go, he is good but not that good, we lost players 10 times better than him.

  5. We won’t get a better player in relation to what we’d need to pay him. Still hoping he extends so that Thuram can grow in peace.

  6. Illustrious-Law8648 on

    Honestly he should have left 2 years ago. he is a nothing player, no impact whatsoever. I genuinely can’t think of one thing he is good at and I’ve watched him for about 5 years now. He just does absolutely nothing.

  7. Thinks hes prime Zidane turning down 7m a year for a UCL side. Probably will go to Saudi. Cant see another side in the UCL paying more for him

  8. Annual-Astronaut3345 on

    We need some semblance of stability in our players and Rabiot is that. He rarely gets injured, his performance is also fairly consistent and he is very experienced as a player.

    As for Thuram, he will need some time to adjust to playing for Juventus. So having Rabiot will give him the time he needs to develop. And before you guys attack Rabiot for his high demand wages, know that he has started in a World Cup final, has been fairly good under Allegri and fairly good for France as well in recent years.

  9. thestooges1969 on

    The Rabiot hate is genuinely comical. Dude has been the most consistent player for at least 2 seasons. He’s the only player who doesn’t stop running all game, the only midfielder who puts up decent goal contributions, & the only midfielder who’s never injured. There’s a reason he captained us this year.

    People in the sub cry over wages as if they own the club. 7M per season is exactly what this guys worth, if he doesn’t want it let him leave. You aren’t going to land a new contract for the player with the 2nd highest goal contributions at €2m net a season.

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