by ThatWeirdKid100


  1. ThatWeirdKid100 on

    There were many more comments calling him rap*st, crybaby and other mean things about him. The disrespect is CRAZY

  2. retardedgamer69 on

    “They always do this”. Never saw them do it to kane after he missed in the worldcup, or messi’s miss against chile.

  3. NeymarRealMadrid on

    I find it hard to believe that many people would trash OP that hard for defending one of the GOATs. BBC is supposed to be a professional company and instead they mock one of the greatest talents this Earth has ever seen during an obviously difficult time for him. 

  4. Okay this was tasteless but the BBC does this corny shit every Match of the Day. They try to make silly puns that often miss and land horribly. It is a tradition in British sports journalism, unfortunately.

    Regardless, doing this against Ronaldo after seeing him so distraught about the miss felt really classless, especially to people who thought it was targeted.

    I don’t think Ronaldo should get special treatment, but this one was just not it.

  5. chicoclandestino on

    Ok this is a making a mountain out of a molehill. BBC always does those silly little puns. I laughed at it when I saw it, just really stupid.

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