Pulisic ‘can’t accept’ referee as U.S. exits Copa

by tylerthe-theatre


  1. Ronaldinho94 on

    They lost the group in the game against Panama. Not worthy of being captain.

  2. read_eng_lift on

    At least have some decorum on the way out, and accept the defeat with some grace.

  3. lionkevin713 on

    I mean this was being billed as a breakthrough tournament from us with our best players coming of age. Instead, it was a massive step back. We shouldn’t have been in the position to be grouped by that point.

    Pulisic never should’ve retracted the comment that they needed to play the “best game of their lives” against Uruguay because it was true after what happened against Panama. Shows the team isn’t inspired to win.

  4. _NotMitetechno_ on

    If you blame a referee when you lose 1 – 0 you’re probably just crap

  5. DrewLockIsTheAnswer1 on

    America #1 at losing baby! Canada had a harder group and 1/10th the population moved on and they didn’t 😂

  6. Duke0fMilan on

    Clearly no one in this thread watched the game. It was the worst officiating I’ve ever seen by a mile. If you read the article Pulisic readily admits that they are out of the tournament due to poor play, not officiating.

  7. I mean … cant blame him, ref was horrible …. buuuuuuuuut … he didnt lost them this tournament.

  8. TastySnorlax on

    Yeah. The announcers were talking all about how horrible his officiating was. The US still needs some work to become champions, but that ref was definitely very inexperienced. I don’t see him keeping his job very long.

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