Hello guys, this morning former Liverpool player Jose Enriquez offere 2 players, including Cantwell, to someone he thought was the Lecce coach on Instagram. Unfortunately for him, the page was just a meme page about this coach

by plategola


  1. Glad he’s getting offered out. Surprised he’s not on Instagram touting himself to be honest.

  2. Mr_Tipster-95 on

    Is this really how agents work? They get paid a fortune too. Never really got the impression that big Phil was keen on Todd, so not surprised, really. I wonder how much we get realistically get for him? Not much, I’d assume, and I think Norwich have a decent sell on too, which isn’t great.

  3. Honestly I think he’s got talent, but he’s too inconsistent and his off the pitch getting baited by fans and pundits etc is cringe inducing and not the mentality we need.

    I’d happily see the back of him for this reason even though I did like him at first as a player.

  4. Doesn’t surprise me that we’re actively looking to sell him, Clement seems to visibly not like him and I’m not sure I can blame him.

  5. I can’t find anything to say Jose Enrique is Todd’s agent.

    All the info I can find on Jose is he now works as a pundit.

    Todd’s agents are ROOF, and don’t list either Enrique brother as an agent.

    I do see an Instagram post from Jose enrique about his brothers new paella restaurant though.

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