Todd Cantwell’s agent offers him by DM to a fan account for the Lecce manager

by Left-Painter-9172


  1. RevivedHut425 on

    Beyond funny – completely embarrassing level of professionalism from the agent there, exactly what I’ve always thought it’s like.

    If Cantwell does go, think it’ll be back down south to be honest. Some Championship team will fancy that he can live up to his potential there, but just doesn’t seem like he has the consistency to do so.

  2. comradepartypanda on

    honestly feels like this has the potential to be an all timer of an off season, its so good

  3. damigotcheeks on

    Can picture Todd and his agent sitting around an iPad, proofreading the message, and thinking they’ve nailed it. Popping open a bottle of SunnyD to celebrate only for this to happen.

  4. Disastrous_Cup_3279 on


    Agent looking for right person

  5. beIIe-and-sebastian on

    Friendship ended with cinch

    William Hill new best friend.

    Off to a strong start lads.

  6. FermisParadoXV on

    Jose Enrique has been misusing social media for years, this is barely news.

  7. You might take the name away, but you will never take the essence of Cinch from us.

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