[MikeKeegan_DM] EXCLUSIVE 🔴Manchester United to make close to a quarter of its workforce redundant ⚫️Up to 250 employees to go after cost review 🔴Money saved will go on first team ⚫️PSR restrictions also impacted 🖋️

by MhVG


  1. JaysonDeflatum on

    It is what it is. Not happy at all to hear people are losing their jobs but unnecessary positions hurt the club and we already had a bloated workforce.

  2. greyhounds1992 on

    You do have to feel for the people without jobs and wonder how much this is saved 250 people on say 100,000 is a pretty big saving. Hopefully everyone finds a new job quickly

  3. ITakeLargeDabs on

    This is the sign that United are becoming a tight ship again. It sucks to read people are losing their jobs but if the club has identified areas it can save money and get things back on track then so be it. It won’t be pretty or easy to get United back on top but the small things we’re doing now will pay off greatly down the road imo

  4. Their combined weekly wage is likely less than what Casemiro makes. This isn’t the first place to look.

  5. VaudevilleVillain on

    Almost 25% is an insane amount. Assuming the average wage is £50k that’s £12.5m p.a saved on salaries alone, not factoring NICs and pension.

    Feel for the ones who are remaining who have to pick up the slack and be in 5 days a week on top of it.

  6. Jeez that’s a lot of regular Joes going to the job center now. Without being dismissive of people losing their jobs, let’s assume they earn an average of 30K a year (not sure) times 250 that’s 7.5 million saved on a yearly basis. Wonder how that affects the short term in terms of spending.

  7. It’s sad that so many people will lose their job, however these numbers explain why Ineos are doing it:

    >At 1,112 as of June 30 last year, United had by far the biggest staff of any club in the Premier League. That number is considerably higher than all of their Big Six rivals, with [Liverpool](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/teampages/liverpool.html) having around 1,005 employees, [Chelsea](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/teampages/chelsea.html) 788, [Tottenham](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/teampages/tottenham-hotspur.html) 719, [Arsenal](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/teampages/arsenal.html) 649 and [Manchester City](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/teampages/manchester-city.html) 520, according to each club’s latest figures.

    This is also nice to read:

    >None of the redundancies will impact on the club’s charity arm, the Manchester United Foundation.

  8. > At 1,112 as of June 30 last year, United had by far the biggest staff of any club in the Premier League. That number is considerably higher than all of their Big Six rivals, with Liverpool having around 1,005 employees, Chelsea 788, Tottenham 719, Arsenal 649 and Manchester City 520, according to each club’s latest figures.

    Even after 250 people are let go that would leave 862 employees which is still more than all the other Big Six clubs apart from Liverpool. I didn’t expect Liverpool to be the second highest and I wonder if it’s possible that Liverpool and us have a bigger marketing/commercial department as I think we’re the biggest British clubs globally in commercial revenue.

  9. Let’s be clear, it absolutely sucks that people are losing jobs, but if INEOS have been able to find 250 they don’t feel we need so quickly it just shows how bloated the Glazers had let things become.

  10. NotQuiteMikeRoss on

    Whilst I can understand the need for savings to be made (and we can all hope this ruthlessness filters up to first-team dealings), it must leave a sour taste for those people knowing that these redundancies likely wouldn’t cover Rashford’s salary for a year.

  11. How does it work in the UK with paying for benefits? Here in the states, it’s not just the salary that is saved but things like paying into matching 401Ks for retirement, unemployment insurance, portions of Medicare, federal taxes, etc. So, someone earning 75K is actually a higher cost savings for a company.

  12. On an average of 40k a year, that’s around 10 million a year saved. Add in a few outliers and id say this is saving around 15 million.

    I want us to see a lot more aggression on player wages and contracts, because that’s a lot more 80-20 for cost savings.

  13. IlluminatedCookie on

    Sad 250 people gotta lose the job when that’s bacically Sanchos monthly income. Yet we pay 250 people that a year and they’re getting the chop. We could employ another 300 people a year on his salary

  14. zxnoregretzxzx on

    Feel for those losing jobs but think it’s clear the whole work structure at the club is a shambles from top to bottom. We all want to become a better run, more modernised and efficient club and this is an unfortunate part of it. Every department needs to be looked at and tightened. No point trying to make Ineos and Ratcliffe look like villains because the other rodents made a mess.

  15. Imagine if ineos hadnt came in and the glazers had done this.. yous would absolutely murder them without some comprehensive details on why, lets be real.

    Ive a feeling this was a cost of gaining control of the footballing side and promising glazers big staff cuts they couldnt have dreamed to get away with in the press

  16. drinkbeerbeatdebra on

    This is exactly what Ineos (and any big company I’m sure) does when it buys another. Doesn’t make it any better for the people losing their jobs, but it is standard practice

  17. In Football Manager we have an abnormal amount of scouts (over 40 I think). Not really surprised by this news, seems like a job for the boys regime.

  18. Absolutely hate this, i sincerely hope they all find work and United give them glowing recommendations.

    I think we’re starting to see the harsh reality of being owned by a proper corporation, the Glazer were so hands off they’ve basically allowed things to be ran to shit by people who haven’t ran massive companies, for example Woodward was an accountant for a massive bank, United was really his first position of highest authority.

    INEOS are going to make decisions that we’re going to hate because normal everyday people will be effected like the folk made redundant today. They’re going to ignore/overlook or neglect things that hinder/cost the final goal for them which is ultimately getting United mens team back to the top of the table, which is why i suspect the Women’s teams will suffer, sadly.

    I don’t agree with it and i don’t think its right, i’m happy to call it out and criticise it but i also understand what they’re trying to do and how we won’t be the ‘family club’ Fergie created anymore.

    It’s probably for the best, but personally and morally i’d rather it not be everyday workers that suffer.

  19. illsellyouthat on

    To comment on something outside of the right vs wrong debate that people are having (ive nothing new to add), it’s good to see INEOS making moves in almost every area of the club.

    Can’t comment on the success of the calls they’re making, way too early for that, but they clearly understand the gravitas of the situation at the club.

    They won’t be perfect but they seem to move fast and it’s very fucking welcome.

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