João Palhinha will join FC Bayern. Deal is almost done. Only small details left to be clarified between Bayern and Fulham [@Plettigoal]

by pewpewlasersandshit


  1. Corroborated by Kerry Hau:

    >Der Wechsel von João Palhinha zum FC Bayern steht unmittelbar vor dem Abschluss! Die Vereine haben eine grundsätzliche Einigung erzielt, müssen aber noch ein kleines Detail klären. Palhinha freut sich sehr auf sein neues Abenteuer in München. @SkySportDE

  2. my biggest relief when this is actually fully done is that I won’t have to read that it’s almost done multiple times each day any more.

  3. Beautiful. We have missed someone they can balance the defense with the midfield for years.


  4. Terrible decision by Bayern. This guy is 28 and will be washed in 2 years because of his physically oriented playstyle. So Bayern can already start their search again. Why not someone like Onana, who would be a long term solution.

  5. thisissomaaad on

    Man we getting beefy boys. Michael olise, palinha .. I hope xavi transfer working out now. Crazy times

  6. hahahaxyz123 on

    We could have bought Ugarte, an absolute defensive beast, for 60 million, or Amadou Onana for a little bit more. Both are 22/23 years old.

    Instead, we spend the same money to get a guy who will not improve anymore and who will be 30 in a blink of an eye. He actually will turn 29 next month 🤣

    What is the point? Either Next season, or in two seasons, he will be washed, slow, and we will either lose him for free or have to keep paying him high salaries because no one wants to buy him due to his age. **look at what happened to Casemiro once he turned 31….**

    And then we will have the same problem of singing a holding 6 for the long term again. The problem hast just been delayed and around 100 Million in fee + wages have been lost.

    There should be a club policy to block all transfers for more than 20M€ for players over the age of 26. it’s just not worth it. Saudi clubs and PSG have the money to throw away, we don’t.

  7. If he extends, I hope Kompany at least gave Kimmich-Palhinha pivot a try.

    On the other hand, Pavlovic-Palhinha pivot is going to hit like crack.

  8. Thoughts-n-shit on

    Love how basically everybody across multiple club fanbases are saying what a great and key signing this is for us, yet the Bayern sub are the only ones complaining about it because he is turning 29🫠

    Sometimes I really am thankful that we Fans don’t have a say in transfers 😅

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