Grim, grim, grim, grim

by thatjc


  1. Barking-Parrot18599 on

    Season hasn’t even started yet and it’s same sh*t different day. 😖

  2. Solid chance for Elliot Anderson to stake a claim in the team at least……..

  3. GAHHH.

    at least it’s a freak one off thing that shouldnt be chronic.

    Not that I know anything about medicine… Can anyone confirm my hopes?

  4. Lurking Chelsea fan sympathise with your injury issues. Believe Colwill had a very similar injury during the ass end of our season, Ended up dragging on longer than planned unfortunately.

  5. Lost-Percentage2884 on

    We forget sometimes these players are kids. 12 weeks to an 18 year old is a fucking lifetime, hope he comes out okay, be glad to see him back.

  6. OffensiveOcelot on

    In the spirit of last season’s “trying to remain unwaveringly optimistic in the darkest of times” at least we won’t be able to sell him if he’s injured.

  7. RocknRollRobot9 on

    There’s too many freak one off things happening to a lot of players that it stops being luck and starts becoming mismanagement of players fitness and schedules. I thought we’d start next season with a clean bill of health but looks like we will already be missing 4/5 players.

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