[Scott Burns] Adam Idah is now on the verge of joining Celtic. Talks are believed to be at an advanced stage and the player has made it clear to Norwich that he wants the move.

by BananaSoprano


  1. BananaSoprano on

    Credit to him. He’s got four years left on a deal that’s probably bringing in about £20-25k-a-week and he’s gone and demanded a move.

    It’s now down to Celtic to make it happen. Ideally don’t send an offer £4m plus a second hand iPod Nano.

  2. MengaPlayerManager on

    No being funny but literally had 3 articles the day about idah moving, then no moving, then moving. Bit spammy no?

  3. GuyIncognito211 on

    So all that moaning about “derisory” offers earlier was for nothing. Who could have known

  4. I doubt Celtic will match Norwich’s wages and he knows it too, obviously potential trophies and European football are a bonus but bottom line is (guessing) he’s willing to take 25% less money for actual game time in return.

    So, fair play and hats off to the lad if he’s pushing for the move.

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