[Di Marzio] Riccardo #Calafiori increasingly closer to
@Arsenal: 50 million operation

by CarnifexGunner


  1. CackleberryOmelettes on

    What, we’re not even gonna try a cheeky €35m+10m add-ons offer as a first bid? Right to business huh.

  2. Existing-Match6858 on

    I know next to nothing about him, is he being brought in to be squad depth CB or start at RB?

  3. BradyGronktd1287 on

    So 42 million which isn’t bad not shocking everyone wants to play for Arteta now

  4. This escalated from ‘he’s going to Juventus, Bologna’s using us to get more money’ to ‘he’ll be at Arsenal by next week’ in less than 10 hours lmao. Just need Ornstein to tweet about this deal

  5. Fab tap in incoming after reading this. Still won’t get fully on board until I hear something from Ornstein.

  6. If this happens then this was a well kept out of media transfer. However Chelsea still copying hw and instead of working hard

  7. AfricanRain on

    Di Marzio has dragged his nuts over this sub on this transfer ngl. Back to being super credible for Serie A again.

  8. I swear this guy is always wrong when it comes to us, hopefully Orny confirms/denies this soon.

  9. Apprehensive-War7483 on

    Surely if this is progressing this quickly, there was a lot of behind the scenes movement going on before the Euros.

  10. How has not one reputable english Journalist picked up on this yet if its so advanced?

  11. Feels like we have so much bigger problems to maintaining a title assault than this purchase so it’s surprising to say the least if true.

    Is Zinchenko going? Kiwior gone?

  12. milkonyourmustache on

    I’m beginning to believe this one is happening. Arteta does not f around when it comes to defenders, £42m is what we paid for Timber and less than we paid for White.

  13. Fun_Smell3069 on

    I’m trying very hard to not get excited but I can’t contain myself

  14. TripleCrownVillainy on

    How reliable is Di Marzio? He used to be crazy reliable like 10-15 years ago. No idea now.

    Last year, he said Man City were close to reaching an agreement with West Ham for Rice.

  15. I mean we can agree for a fee with Bologna as much as we like but has the player decided that hed want to join us?

  16. Surely there’s now too much smoke for there not to be fire.

    Incredible signing if we get it done. He and Yoro look by far and away the two best available defenders.

  17. When shall we schedule the crab release?


  18. 50m for this guy? GTFO this is probably someone trolling someone else. Also, this makes no sense. We have Timber and Zinny. Why would we spend 50m on a third choice? This guy is a silver card in FIFA

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