Jaden Philogene’s agent showed up to the Barcelona offices unannounced, began a photoshoot in the car park, and was eventually asked to leave by security. The name of the player is completely unknown to Barcelona directors. The club is mystified by the links and believe this was a PR exercise.

by Zach-dalt


  1. DuomoDiSirio on

    This is the most Hull City thing ever, even if it probably was the agent not operating with guidance from the club.

  2. exoskeletion on

    That’s class.

    Gotta be honest, he’s a good player, but I’d have been very surprised if Barca were legit interested in him based off his appearances for us.

  3. OBWanTwoThree on

    And Fabrizio Romano also posted this link

    Just in case anyone was in doubt that he’s paid by agents to promote their clients rather than providing actual football links

  4. If I were Jaden, I would fire that agent. This is embarassing, and ruins his reputation as well.

  5. fightfire_withfire on

    Can’t imagine what Barca would ever see in him, his potential is relegation candidate EPL sides .

  6. Large_Performance191 on

    Fair play to the agent. He’s trying to do some marketing. I don’t think any crimes have been committed. If I had a penny for everything Barca did…

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