Connor Barron receives a warm welcome to Ibrox

by ThisRealGuy


  1. Otocolobus_manul8 on

    It’s scary to think I was in the pub near this, luckily the very generous man who sold me a car stereo, iphone and airpods for £40 was there to keep me safe.

  2. blackenedandchanged2 on

    Daft enough to leave a grands worth of stuff on view in a deprived area in Glasgow; first pay cheque will make him whole

  3. Hyndstein_97 on

    Yer da calling Ibrox a slum in your first week is a good start to a Rangers career.

  4. GoodSirJames on

    What kind of moron leaves stuff on their seats in a major city? Must be his first time out the farmland.

  5. LyleLanleysHat on

    As much as I think this would’ve been hilarious, this isn’t recent.

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