[vi.nl] Hake discusses feelings about dream transfer to Manchester United | René Hake’s transfer to Manchester United is a rare one: from the mid-table in the Eredivisie to one of the biggest clubs in the world. The successful coach who left Go Ahead Eagles discussed his feelings about the transfer

by nearly_headless_nic


  1. nearly_headless_nic on

    **Rene Hake quotes:**

    >’**The feeling I have is hard to describe, but of course this is a great opportunity for me.** Working in the biggest competition in the world, at one of the biggest clubs in the world. It is also a great reward for myself. **That I can go from Go Ahead Eagles to the top of the world is unique’,** said Hake after the practice win over Telstar in Zutphen.
    > ‘Of course **I am grateful to Erik for this opportunity**, but it is not about us knowing each other well. We just have to deliver good work. **Erik has a role in mind for me, we have discussed that.** As in every staff, all tasks are divided among the assistants.’

  2. thedhoklamonger on

    These first few months have been extremely positive (as far as the men’s team goes anyway). Hiring the right personnel, working on multiple deals in conjuncture. Hope we are also now able to give the right attention to the women’s team as well now.

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