Same exact story, written by the same “journalist” for two different clubs of the “big 6”

The gossip sellers aren’t even trying to hide it.

by jck1634


  1. Wow he literally copy and pasted his article, being a sports “journalist” seems to be the easiest job in the world

  2. Express-Kiwi3740 on

    We should start creating our own gossip. It’d be nice if the odd story had a bit of Newcastle bias for a change. I’m apparently just as connected and qualified as these clowns, so it can’t be that difficult. 

    “Trent to force move away from Anfield as Newcastle show interest. Sources say he loves it at Liverpool, but just really, really, really hates Sunderland”.”

    Pass it on. 

  3. JBEqualizer on

    “Two different tabloids”

    Both are owned by Reach plc, which is probably why they’re both written in exactly the same way.


    I didn’t notice they were both copy pasta by the same bloke. If it is a bloke, I wouldn’t be surprised if these were auto generated.

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