We've been asked a few times about this and we can confirm we have an official /r/ScottishFootball Euro 2024 Fantasy Football and Match Predictor leagues set up.

They're both completely free to play and are run through the official UEFA website so you will have to setup an account with them. We also recommend changing your UEFA gaming profile name to something (ideally your Reddit username) otherwise it defaults to your real name.


  • Predict the scores of matches, win points for correct predictions, brag about it on here



  • Create a team using your allotted transfer budget
  • Pick your line up for each match and win points depending how well the players do
  • INVITE CODE: n2E472


How do I change my display name?:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Click on your profile
  3. Go to settings/Your personal info
  4. Under "UEFA Gaming Profile" put in your desired name
  5. Hit save
  6. Done.

by AutoModerator


  1. Yoke_Enthusiast on

    I can’t believe it. Every day I’ve ever used reddit we’ve lived under Tory cunt Westminster governments. Now we have a Red Tory cunt Westminster government. I thought I’d be much happier about this day, but at least it arrived. At least eventually there was a line the Tories couldn’t cross that the English electorate wouldn’t happily stomach. Not perfect, but the idea that these ones might be a little bit human provides some comfort.

  2. fightfire_withfire on

    Did someone make Steve Clarke the leader of the SNP, because that’s some skelping they’ve been handed.

  3. WinstonwanlegIngram on

    I mean I’m delighted that it doesn’t look like Reform will get their 13 seats as predicted, but currently 3.6 million votes for 14% of the share is depressing.

  4. I expected to be happy to be rid of the Tories but we’re just getting a red flavour instead so I’m feeling slightly deflated.

  5. HannibalMontanimal on

    FPTP is crazy. Lib Dems adding 55 seats just by gaining 0.5% of the vote share. SNP losing half their vote share but 77% of their seats.

  6. cipher_wilderness on

    Still up. Still going. Will suffer the consequences later but fuck it who cares, was worth it to see Rees Moggy get fired into oblivion

  7. It’s sad that the *only* things positive I really expect of Labour is the repeal of some of the anti-Trade Union legislation and renationalised railways.

    But I’ll take it from the alternative that was on offer.

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