Some official pre-season pics from this morning [via @LFC on X]

by Perspiring_Gamer


  1. NoncingAround on

    Nice to see Carvalho back. Hope he gets some good minutes this season. Bradley’s rocking the first attempted beard look with confidence.

  2. regista-space on

    He is so lovable and iconic. Despite being bald you could recognize him in a room full of bald people.

  3. TheBaggyDapper on

    Fuck me, a table lean. That’s one of the most challenging leans, very difficult to do without looking like an arsehole but he absolutely smashed it. I’m excited. 

  4. RaisedByCakes on

    I know this is going to sound incredibly stupid but…this is the worst I’ve felt about Klopp leaving. The fact that it’s not him in these pictures anymore. It’s _really_ hit home now.

  5. ScottScott87 on

    I hope we give Sepp the chance to stake a claim at CB here. He’s shown over the last few seasons he has immense talent and he can play full back in a pinch as well

    If he wants to, he has a chance to get a preseason here but we’ll see

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