I know it’s from the daily record but I couldn’t find it anywhere other than the sun or daily mail. A very sad story, didn’t realise he was ill and hope he can find a cure for his illness soon.

Always thought he was a good presenter and he had some funny moments alongside McCoist and Sutton.

by boris-for-PM-2019


  1. I have been where he is and 14 years later still dealing with the effects of it. He has described it much better than I could.

  2. cipher_wilderness on

    Poor bloke. I always really liked his presenting, hope he finds out what’s causing it and gets it sorted soon.

  3. Thefitz5811 on

    His full story is on The Athletic and they’ve made it free to read. Pretty heartbreaking stuff. From personal experience, long covid is an absolute bastard but I didn’t realise myself the severity of how it’s affecting some people.

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