Interesting morning so far

by UrboySam123


  1. VirofGlacies on

    Transfer news? I’d be alright just with preseason/training content. No more new fires please!

  2. It’s not good news but I find it funny😂 You just know that with Darwin something like this is bound to happen someday. Man is unhinged. Hopefully, the ban is not too bad lol.

  3. profound-killah on

    I’ve seen some shit during my time being a fan of Liverpool, we will be fine in the long run.

  4. OldManLogan007 on

    Lets sign somebody and get busy with that and pretend all of shit that went down today never happened

  5. All this shit just makes Slot’s already immensely difficult job of replacing Klopp even more difficult.

  6. ![gif](giphy|xdLH51eNWZAHrwy5mf)

    Arne slot looking at the post match videos of Darwin.

  7. Guys Virgil is leaving Liverpool for sure next season…

    Daily because I think he lives near Manchester

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