This article by espn explains the antitrust lawsuit that would allow foreign leagues to play official matches (non exhibition) matches on the US.

The USSF is the party that is trying to prevent this from happening. They claim that allowing European league matches held in US would hinder the growth of the MLS.

I would agree with the USSF in the sense of it could take away from some of their revenue. If someone only spends $500 for attending football matches a year, then all of that may not end up going to the MLS. Other than that I can’t see how it would be bad for MLS.

I also find it interesting that it is the USSF that is legally needing to stand up for this cause and not the MLS. The USSF is responsible for all football in the US, which is of course the MLS, but also the national teams as well. Allowing big matches like el Classico in the US would surely benefit the USSF by getting more Americans involved in the game.

I can understand a club supporter who disapproves of playing a match abroad, but if the match played promised 2x or 3x the match day revenue it should hopefully soften the blow.

I am only using El Classico as an example of a match. The article suggests smaller matches like Barcelona Vs Girona.

by Short-Display-1659


  1. Loop_Within_A_Loop on

    It’s a dumb idea, but it’s moronic that USSF is the one entity standing in the way of this happening

    La Liga and UEFA should be stopping this. From USSF’s perspective, it’s a slam dunk

  2. What about the local supporters of Barcelona and Real Madrid? Why does European leagues have to shit on their local fans just to (maybe) help grow interest in the US?

    (Yes yes, I know, the answer is money)

  3. I am pretty sure that if one official El Clasico is taken from Spain to New York, both cities will be burnt in protests.

  4. Yea and having players injured on matches on those shoddy pitches, isn’t worth it either, here in the UK clubs have been called out for flying between domestic games due to global warming etc… just no

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